It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,33

music for a little bit.”

“That sounds good to me. What’s the third question?”

“Okay. Will our experiences with our exes help or hinder us?” He sat back. “So, I guess tell me a bit about your past relationships, if you’ve had any bad breakups or anything.”

“Honestly, I’ve dated a lot. I am a woman in New York City who enjoys dating. I haven’t had any particularly serious relationships. My longest relationship was two years. It didn’t really work out. We weren’t looking for the same things and we had some other issues that made it so we were not going to be a good fit long-term.”

“Oh, what were those issues? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“I don’t really like to kiss and tell.” I made a face and he raised an eyebrow.

“Now you have to tell me, what was the issue?”

“Well, he couldn’t pleasure me in bed.” I could feel myself blushing.

“Oh,” he grinned. “He couldn’t pleasure you in bed, and I’m thinking you’re talking about intercourse? Are you saying that you couldn’t come when he was inside of you or are you saying that you just never came with him at all?”

“I’m saying that he wasn’t good in the bedroom, whether he was inside of me or not,” I laughed. “And that’s all I’m going to say.”

“Well baby, I have something I want to tell you.” Connor leaned forward.

“Oh yeah. What’s that?”

“That’s one problem you’ll never have with me.” He winked slightly and then licked his lips. And all I could think of as I stared at the tip of his pink tongue was, “Oh shit. I want this man very, very badly.”

Chapter 8

“So Sarah, I really need your help. I’m going out of my mind. I just don’t know what to do.”

“What’s going on, Gemma. You know you can count on me for anything.”

Sarah beamed at me. She looked absolutely beautiful. She’d recently had a makeover and, well, I was proud of the work that I’d done to help her. She looked like a supermodel, even though she didn’t realize it herself.

“So you know I’ve been going on these dates.”

“Yeah, and they sound absolutely amazing. I’m jealous.”

“Sarah, you could be going on many dates as well, if you wanted to. In fact, we need to go out for a night on the town; just dance and have some fun, you know?”

“Yeah. That sounds like it’d be really cool.” She grinned. “I’d be totally down. But first tell me about these guys, and what’s the problem.”

Okay. So, so far I’ve just been on dates with about four different guys, but my top two are Lucas and Connor. Lucas is the attorney, and Connor’s the guy that’s a music producer that DJs sometimes.”

“Oh yeah. Super cool, a DJ. Maybe he can get us hooked up at an exclusive club or something.”

“I think you’re the one with the connections, Sarah. Can’t Harry get us hooked up into some VIP somewhere? Or even your parents?”

She burst out laughing. “My parents can’t get us hooked up into anything. Yes, they’re rich, but they’re not cool-rich. And Harry? Well, I’m sure he does have access to exclusive clubs, but I don’t think he’s going to be getting tickets for me anytime soon.”

“Don’t let me hear about Harry again. He gets on my nerves. If he’s your best friend, he should totally be hooking you up with everything that you want and need.”

“Yeah. But he doesn’t think I need to be going out to clubs, dancing the night away and showing off my body.”

“Oh my God. He did not say you show off your body just because you like to wear nice clothes?”

“Girl, you know Harry. He’s an enigma.”

“Yeah. He’s an enigma all right.” More like a douche.

I pressed my lips together. I didn’t want to start going off on Harry, though I was going to have to have a serious conversation with Sarah soon. It was pretty obvious to me that she had a thing for him, and it was also pretty obvious to me that he was keeping her around for whatever reason. I couldn’t tell if he had a thing for her as well, or if he just liked the company, but something had to give. They couldn’t just continue being in this friendship as it was. But right now, I had my own issues.

“So you like Lucas and Connor, what’s the problem?”

“I mean, there’s no problem. They’ve both asked me on second dates and, well, I’m going to say yes to both.

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