It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,30

enough pressure to let me know that he knew what he was doing. I told myself that I didn’t want him to make out with me on the first date. I told myself that I was just getting to know each guy on the first date, but I had a feeling that Connor might be the one to make me break that rule. Guiltily I thought about Lucas. Lucas had wanted to kiss as well. Lucas had wanted more too and I turned him down. And it wasn’t because I wasn’t also really attracted to him, but he hadn’t been as aggressive as Connor.

They both were alpha males, that was obvious, but it seemed that Connor was much more alpha, much more straightforward and aggressive about what he wanted, and I liked that. I liked to be bossed and thrown around and have the man take charge. Not that I was going to tell either of them that, they had to figure it out for themselves.

“So Gemma, this way,” Connor squeezed my fingers and pulled me to the side. We walked through a small door and entered a room that looked like a cavern. It was larger than I thought, but really cool. There was a small stage to the right of us and a bar to the left. “We’ll have a seat and then I’ll bring us some cocktails, sound good?”

“Yeah, sounds good.”

He led me over to a table directly in front of the stage and then he looked at me. “You know what? I wanted us to sit up front so you could see the musicians up close, but it will be hard for us to talk. So let’s go to the side, that way we can listen to the music and get to know each other better.”

“That sounds good to me,” I nodded gratefully. Yeah, I wanted to hear the music, but I wanted to know what he was about as well. I mean, it was obvious we had sexual chemistry, but was there more here? Could there be more? I mean, I was already thinking about making out with the guy and I really wanted to make sure that he was a good guy before I did that. I mean, I’d made out with plenty of assholes before, plenty of jerks. I didn’t need to add another one to my roster. We sat down and then ordered some drinks and I watched as Connor pulled out his phone.

“So, I know this is a little bit unconventional,” he said with a small smile, “but I wanted to ask you a couple of questions. Well, actually it’s a couple of questions that we’re going to ask each other, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure. What sort of questions?” I wondered if he was going to ask me if I liked having my toes sucked or something. Please God, not another guy with a foot fetish.

“So,” he said as he scrolled through his phone, “Please forgive me for being unsociable here. I really hate having my phone out on dates, but I’m really only doing it to read these questions because I have a shit memory and I wouldn’t remember exactly how they were phrased, and apparently the wording matters.” He let out a deep breath. “Sorry, that was a lot, wasn’t it?”

“Hey, no worries. It’s not like you’re reading emails or sending texts or anything,” I laughed. “I appreciate the apology though. That’s really nice. A lot of guys really don’t care about having their cell phones out.”

“Have you been on a lot of dates since you’ve been on the service?” He looked at me with a curious expression.

“Is that one of the questions that you wanted to ask me?”

“It’s a question I’d like the answer to, but it’s not one of the questions on the sheet that I have here,” he laughed. “I was just thinking a pretty girl like you seems like she would have been snapped up a long time ago.”

“I could say the same thing to you,” I said, feeling slightly offended. “A hot guy like you seems like he would have been snapped up a long time ago if he was looking for a real relationship.”

“Who said I was looking for a real relationship?” He shook his head and laughed. I watched as he ran his fingers through his tousled blond locks. I wanted my fingers to be running through his hair, seeing how silky his tresses felt. I shook my head to stop those Copyright 2016 - 2024