It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,25

a football player?” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t you know, I got ten million in the bank?”

“Okay. And so what, who cares?”

“You know you bitches all care about money.”

“You know what? Mark, good luck.” I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. “You’re going to need it, because I have no interest in you. I don’t care if you have a hundred million dollars, I wouldn’t want to spend one more second with you. Goodbye.” I quickly turned around and walked out of the cafe as fast as my legs could carry me. I could not believe how badly this whole date had gone. It reminded me of other horrible dates I’ve been on before in my life, though I hadn’t expected to meet a guy like Mark on an expensive app like this. I’d thought they were meant to weed out losers like him. And yeah, I did want a guy with money, but not at the cost of my self-esteem. At the end of the day, money was not even that important. Yes, I wanted a guy that could support himself, but he didn’t have to be a millionaire, he didn’t have to be a billionaire. Of course it would be great if he was, but that wasn’t a requirement. Even if I did joke about it with Sarah. I pulled out my phone to call my friend because I just needed to talk to someone and laugh about the situation before I started crying.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Sarah picked up the phone on the first ring.

“Hey girl, I just left the date.”

“Already? Didn’t you just get there?” Sarah sounded surprised. “That was a really fast date.”

“Oh my gosh. He was absolutely awful. He called me Jennifer. He said I was from Arkansas. He told me I was fat.”

“He did not tell you that you are fat. What!”

“He said to me, are you one-eighty? He literally asked me are you a hundred-eighty pounds? Excuse me. Even if I was that weight, you don’t say that to someone.”

“Oh, he sounds awful.”

“And then he was talking to me about some girl he banged from Tinder, like really? Who goes on a date and talks about some other woman they’re banging?”

“Oh yeah. He sounds absolutely horrible. I’m so sorry, girl what are you doing now?”

“Nothing. I’m about to head home. Maybe Lucas or Connor emailed me or something and I can respond to them.”

“Yeah. Well at least you know Lucas was a great guy.”

“Girl. Lucas was absolutely amazing compared to this guy. If I didn’t have Lucas already, I might seriously be crying because Mark is the sort of guy I normally always get. Lucas is the sort of guy that I never get.”

“Well, you got him now, girl.”

“Well, I don’t exactly have him, but a second date is promising and I hope that this guy Connor will be cool. I guess they all can’t be winners.”

“Yeah girl. You know that saying, you got to kiss a lot of frogs before you get your prince.”

“I know, but I’m so fed up with kissing frogs. I’m going to look like a frog if I have to kiss any more of them.” I started laughing and Sarah joined in.

“Well, Gemma, you know I think you’re beautiful and your prince is out there. The frogs can all get together in their muddy pond and kiss each other’s asses.”

I started laughing at her words. I loved talking to her. She always made me feel so much better about my life. No matter how bad something seemed, after I talked to her I could see the humor in basically any and every situation. “Sarah, you know what? You are one of my best friends. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You want to come over tomorrow or something? Maybe we can get a drink.”

“Yeah. That sounds great. And you know what? I’m so happy to have you in my life too. You are one of my best friends and I know you’re going to meet the guy of your dreams. You just got to be patient. Okay Gemma?”

“Okay Sarah, I will be patient. I mean, I’ve been patient for twenty-eight years of my life already, but I guess I can be patient for a couple more.”

“The man of your dreams will be worth it. Trust me.”

“I hope you’re right, because I don’t think I can go on many more dates with guys like that stupid fool Mark.” I heard a beep Copyright 2016 - 2024