It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,151

mine and I realized just how close we were as I held her down. She was still breathing, heavily now, her lips trembling and her hair was coming out of its ponytail. I took her glasses off and put them to the side and looked down at her face. All of a sudden something struck me. I realized that Sarah was a woman. Now she wasn't just a girl, my childhood best friend. She was a fully fledged woman. She had breasts, a narrow waist and long, slim legs. And surprisingly, I found her sexy. I didn't want to think about that, so I quickly let go of her arms and rolled back over.

"Okay. Let's watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before. You win."

"I just said I'd watched Die Hard. What's wrong?" She leaned over at me and I just shook my head.

"Nothing." She then got on top of me and held my arms down and I groaned silently. She positioned herself on top of my cock, which I could feel hardening beneath her. It's Sarah. It's Sarah. Stop it, Harry, stop it, I told myself mentally. The last thing I needed was to get hard for my best friend,

"Harry, what is going on?" She said in a sing song voice, as she sat on top of me, rubbing herself back and forth. I wasn't sure she realized what she was doing to me, but my cock was getting harder and harder.

"Sarah, I don't think that's a good idea." I said slowly, as she continued moving back and forth.

"What?" she said, and then she blushed as she seemed to realize exactly what had happened. She quickly wrote back off of me and lay back down on the bed next to me. Looking over at me, she smiled and said, "Okay, this is your last chance. Do you want to watch Die Hard or To All the Boys I've Loved Before?"

"You know what, Sarah? Let's watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before because you know what? You're right. We always do what I want to do and I want to stop that. I want to stop taking you for granted. So whatever you need from me, you just ask, okay?"

"Wow." Her eyes widened. "I didn't expect to get through to you this quickly, Harry. What happened?"

"I don't know what happened. Maybe I'm just in the Christmas spirit. But hey, don't forget, I still need you to go shopping for me tomorrow. Three presents, no more than $75. And get them some Christmas cards, write something witty inside them for me as well."

"You want me to write inside the Christmas cards as well? Are you kidding me, Harry?" She shook her head and I just laughed.

"You know, Sarah. You know you want to do this for me. Now let's watch the movie." I pulled her into my arms when she pressed play and I tried to ignore the warm feelings that were stirring my stomach as she curled up next to me. It was strange feeling this way. This is how we'd watch movies for years and I'd never felt this way before. Maybe I hadn't had sex in too long and that's why would have happened. I was going to have to take care of that because the last thing I needed was to start feeling sexual chemistry towards my best friend. Sexual chemistry ruined every relationship and Sarah was one person I never wanted to lose from my life.

You can read Sarah and Harry’s book in One Night Pact.


I would like to thank all of the readers that purchased and read my books this year. I write because of you. This year I have received emails and messages from readers telling me that my books have made them laugh or put a smile on their face when they have been feeling down and those words have made my week. I have always enjoyed writing and it gives me so pleasure to know that my sense of humor, quirky as it can be, resonates with someone somewhere.

2020 has been a B***h of a year! But I’m coming out of it a stronger and more determined person. And I hope that 2021 has its act together.

I need to give special thanks to my editor Ellie for fitting this mammoth of a book into her editing schedule so quickly. It’s Complicated came to me as I was writing One Night Pact, Sarah and Harry’s book, and I stopped writing that book to write this “novella” for Sarah’s best friend. Well, my planned Christmas novella turned into 110,000 words, which is the longest standalone book I’ve ever written.

I would also like to thank every member of my beta reading and ARC team in 2020. I’ve learned so much about myself and my process in this year. My ARC team has really pulled through for me, with reading and reviewing and providing feedback in really short time frames and I have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I would be remiss without specially thanking Sarah Milun, Dea Brechtel, Retta Rusaw, Tianna Croy, Jessica Jones, X (who does not liked to be named in books), Andrea Rott, Jessica Gouveia, Cindy Siermienski, Luly, Gonzalez, and Arline Daniels for always reaching out and supporting me, through all my ups and downs.

To my two writer friends, Sandi Lynn and Charlotte Byrd, thank you for your constant support and guidance and keeping me levelheaded and business minded.

Glory be to God for all my blessings. Thank you for giving me an active imagination and the gift of the gab. I love to talk and write and I love to share my work with others.

To my mum for never telling me not to become a romance writer, even though I’m sure you would have preferred telling folks I’m an attorney.

To my dog Oliver that has had to listen to me talking in different voices for the last couple of months as I get into character and speak my dialogue out loud. I’ve never seen him give me so many “All you all right in the head” looks before in my life.

Thanks and blessings to all my readers! Here’s to 2021 and plenty of new books! If you ever want to email me I can be reached at [email protected]!

About the Author

J. S. Cooper is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today Bestselling romance author and avid reader. I was born and grew up in London, England and now I live in California with my dog Oliver. I enjoy playing board games, kayaking, writing, reading, writing bio’s that sound like they should be on a dating app (haha), and playing tennis.

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