It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,150

true. She was beautiful in her own way. Yeah, she was somewhat of a tomboy, always wore jeans and covered her boobs and her legs. But that was fine. That way she didn't have to worry about creepy guys all over her and I didn't have to worry about protecting her so much.

"Harry, I don't want to be the same old girl that's just always in the shadows. I want to be the girl in the spotlight."

"Why do you want to be the girl in the spotlight? Girls in the spotlight are so needy. They always have to be the center of attention. They always want you to buy them things. They always want you to take them out. They always want everything. It's too much. I'm telling you, Sarah, you just want to be yourself. I'm sure you meet a great guy that way."

"Well, I haven't met a great guy that way yet, have I?"

"You want me to hook you up with someone?" Even as I said the words, I knew that wasn't going to be possible. None of my friends would do for Sarah. They were all dirt bags.

"Would you?"

"Why? Do you want me to?" All of a sudden I looked at her and she was blushing. "Is there someone you have a crush on? Do you have a crush on one of my friends? Oh please God, don't tell me it's Doug. You know Doug is a douchebag. Yes, he's a model. Yes, he's good looking. But he's a douchebag. He flirts with everyone. I'm pretty sure he would do anyone."

"Harry, stop. That's not what I said. I didn't even bring up Doug. I didn't even say I had a crush on anyone. I don't have a crush on anyone. I just want to be able to meet someone. Okay? Really? Is that going to be a big problem for you?"

"No, it's not a big problem for me. But okay, it's slightly a problem with me."

"You just said it wasn't a problem."

"Well, it's a problem for me if you're going to stop our tradition of spending New Year's Eve together."

"Harry, New Year's Eve is meant to be for lovers, not for friends."

"Wow. You didn't seem to have a problem with it the last 20 plus years."

"I didn't because I love spending time with you, but I want someone special."

"Is this because I said I didn't want to watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before? Are you like trying to like flip out on me because I don't want to watch that girly movie? Because I will totally watch it if you just go back to your normal, regular self. Please.

"Harry, I am my normal regular self, I'm just... Ugh. You know what? Let's just watch Die Hard."

"Yeah. Are you sure?" I burst into a huge grin. "I mean, only if you're sure, of course. I mean, it is your favorite movie."

"No, Harry, it's your favorite movie."

"Well, yeah, it's my favorite movie too. But don't you love everything I love?"

"No, Harry. That's just how you see things. We always do what you want. We always see what you want. And you just assume that I want it too. It's like you don't even care if I want it or not."

"Oh my God. Sarah, you're sounding like a nagging wife."

"Well, sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a nagging wife. Not that you ever have to worry about that because you're never getting married, are you Harry?"

"Oh, you have PMS, don't you, Sarah? You have PMS."

"No, I already told you. I'm not on my period."

"Then why are you being such a bitch?"

"You did not just call me a bitch," she glared at me and then I shook my head.

"My bad, but you know I'm honest. I call it as I see it."

"Harry," and then she hit me on the shoulder and I grabbed her hands to stop her from hitting me again. I rolled over so that I was on top of her and held her arms down.

"Sarah. I don't think that's a good idea."

"What's not a good idea?" She breathed up at me, her face flushed. Her top was riding up slightly so that I could see the creamy expanse of her thighs.

"You're not wearing shorts?" I asked her, surprised as now I could see a little glimpse of her white panties.

"No, I'm not wearing shorts. Why would I be wearing shorts?"

"I don't know. Because," I said. I could feel the warmth of her body emanating into Copyright 2016 - 2024