It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,133

worth it. You’re not worth all that, so I’m sorry. You know what? You’ve got a nice pussy and I wanted to fuck you, but this is not worth it. Good luck, bro.” And with that, Lucas walked away.

I could feel my whole body shivering as Connor closed the door and looked over at me. “So you were telling the truth,” he said softly.

“Are you frigging joking me right now?” I looked at him. “Are you?”

“Shh! I’m joking.” He laughed as he walked over to me and kissed me. “I know you didn’t sleep with him.”

“I didn’t sleep with him, but we did do other stuff, Connor.”

“It’s okay.” He pressed his finger against my lips. “It’s okay, Gemma. I don’t want to know what you guys did, but it doesn’t matter. I will never judge you for it, and I will never, ever, ask you to tell me what went down between the two of you. That’s your past. I am your future. And trust me, I know no one can ever do anything to you better than I can, so I’m not worried about it. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said softly, hoping his words were true. I wanted them to be true. I needed them to be true. “I love you,” I said softly.

“Not more than I love you.” He laughed and walked over to me, gave me a huge kiss. “Now come here,” he said.

“What?” I said.

“Um, I’m feeling a little bit horny again,” he growled, and we walked over to the bed.

“Connor, we can’t. We just…”

“What? I’ve got fifteen minutes to spare if you do.” And then we laughed.

Chapter 33

“So are you ready to go out and join the party?” Connor grinned at me as we lay in the bed.

“I think I’m far too embarrassed to go out and talk to anyone,” I shook my head, blushing. “Lucas most probably hates me. Your parents most probably are wondering what’s going on. And if they have any inkling of what’s going on, they’re going to think I’m a complete and utter ... “

“Don’t,” Connor said, stopping me. “Don’t say what I think you’re going to say.”

“What do you think I’m going to say? Do you think I’m going to say they’re going to think I’m a complete and utter brilliant mastermind?”

“Well, no.” He laughed. “I didn’t think you were going to say that. And I don’t really think the situation makes you any sort of brilliant mastermind either. Maybe if you robbed a bank and got away with it, then I’d consider you a brilliant mastermind.”

“Are you daring me to rob a bank, Connor?”

“No. Would I do such a thing?”

“I think you would.” I laughed. I paused and I touched the side of his face. “Hey, you know what?”

“What,” he said.

“So I just realized something that would have been very helpful in the situation.”

“Oh, what’s that?

“If you would have told me your last name and if your brother would have told me his last name, I might have kind of been able to figure it out. Why didn’t you put your last name on the dating survey? I certainly put mine.”

“Oh yeah.” He wrinkled his nose. “So we deliberately did that.”


“Because we kind of come from a lot of money and we didn’t want anyone to date us because of that fact.”

“You kind of come from a lot of money, huh? What’s your last name? Don’t tell me you’re a Kennedy or something.”

“No, no.” He shook his head. “Think better than that.”

“Better than a Kennedy? What’s better than a Kennedy?”

“Well, Kennedys are well-known in politics, but do you know them to have a lot, a lot of money?”

“I’m pretty sure they’re the unofficial royalty of the United States, so I’m sure they have a lot of money.”

“Well, have you ever heard of the Vanderbilts or the Rockefellers or the Gettys?”

“Oh my gosh. Do not tell me you’re a Rockefeller.” My jaw dropped. “No way.”

“Well, no, I’m not. But have you ever heard of them?” He laughed.

“Connor, what’s your last name? Just tell me.”

“It’s Chamberlain,” he said.

“Chamberlain, Connor Chamberlain.” I smiled. “I like it.”

“I’m glad you like it, Gemma Doukas.”

“My last name is so Greek.” I rolled my eyes. “But I guess that’s me. Hey, Connor?”

“Yes, Gemma.”

“I was wondering.”


“Would you be up to meeting my family?”

“Sure. I don’t see why not.”

“Next weekend.”

“Next weekend.” He raised an eyebrow. “Ah, that’s awful fast, don’t you think?”

“I mean, you don’t have to if you think it’s too soon, but my grandma and my parents, Copyright 2016 - 2024