It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,125

something else. The last thing I needed was for Connor and Lucas to start talking. Please God, no. This could not be how my life became exposed to the two of them.

We walked down a slight corridor and then Connor opened the door. I almost fainted in relief as I realized we’d made it to the room. “I, I just need to relax by myself.” I gave them both a weak smile. “Um, bye.” I slammed the door in their faces and then pushed the lock closed. I didn’t care what they were thinking.

I moved over to the bed and sat down. “Oh my God. What am I going to do?” I put my head in my hands and whined. I was dead. I was dead meat because most probably right now they were asking each other how they knew me, and both of them were going to say that they met me on a dating app. And both of them were going to say that they’d gone on dates with me, which might be forgivable if I haven’t been intimate with both of them. Might be forgivable if they didn’t tell each other that I’d spent Christmas Eve with one of them and Christmas Day with the other.

Oh, Gemma. Why? This was the hottest mess I ever could’ve asked for. I lay back on the bed and groaned. “I’m dead meat. I’m so dead. I’m so dead.” I didn’t know what to say.

I could perhaps escape. I walked over to the window and opened it, and looked down. There was no way in hell I was escaping through the window. We were on the second floor, which might not have been so bad if we weren’t about twenty feet in the air. There wasn’t even a tree for me to try and climb down like Pollyanna did. There was nothing. I was screwed.

I sat back down on the bed. “Shit. What am I going to do?” I knew I had one option: I’d have to come clean with both of them and I’d just have to face facts. It was most probably over. There was not going to be a big decision to make. There was not going to be a dumping of Connor and a night of passion with Lucas because Connor was going to dump me and Lucas was going to dump me, and that was it. It was all done. It was over.

I might as well just leave the house right now. I might as well not even have a conversation with either of them, though I knew I had to apologize. I knew that even though I hadn’t technically been in the wrong, I’d crossed a couple of lines.

And then the first knock came on the door. I froze. “Gemma?” I could hear Lucas’ voice. I didn’t respond. And then I heard a rustling and something sliding under the door. I looked down and saw there was a piece of paper. I waited until the sound went before I picked it up.

And then a couple minutes later, another knock. This time it was Connor. “Gemma, we should talk.” He tried the handle. Thank God I’d locked it and it didn’t open. And this time he slid a note under the door as well. I walked over to the door and picked up his note and then sat back down on the bed, opening both of them. I was in deep shit.

Lucas’ note read: “I hope we still get to have some fun tonight. I hope you feel better soon.”

And Connor’s note read: “I think I know what’s going on. Speak to me before you do or say anything.” I licked my lips nervously. Did he really know? Maybe he didn’t even care. I mean, he’d been in open relationships. Maybe this was nothing new to him. I knew my best bet was to speak to Connor first, and if I was honest with myself, it wasn’t even because of his note. It was everything. I just needed to speak to him first. I had more of a connection with him.

I pulled my phone out of my handbag and I texted him.

Gemma: If you can slip upstairs and make it to the room without anyone seeing, I’ll let you in.

He texted me back immediately.

Connor: Be there in thirty seconds.

He lied, though. He was there in ten. I heard the tap-tapping, and I went to the door.

“Who is it?” I said weakly.

“It’s Connor. Open up,” he said Copyright 2016 - 2024