It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,118

thousand people, thirty thousand people,” I muttered to myself, even though I knew there was no way there were going to be that many people at the party.

Lucas: Not sure, maybe 50 to a 100.

“Fifty to a hundred, that’s not good.”

Connor: I don’t know, maybe 40, 50. It’s my folks’ party.

“It’s his folks’ party? Oh my God. Oh my God.” I ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I was going to hyperventilate. Okay, so I bet Connor knows Lucas. Shit. Oh my God, how is this happening to me? How?

Of course it would happen to me. Of course it would because that was just my luck. Whenever something good, fun or exciting was happening something would always come along to blow it up. And now literally everything was about to be blown up.

Connor had invited me to a party that his parents were throwing and Lucas was going to be there, which meant Lucas knew Connor, which meant I was in deep trouble. I had no idea what I was going to do.

“You have to cancel Gemma, that’s the only thing,” I muttered to myself. “You have to cancel.”

I got ready to send a message to both guys when Connor sent me a text.

Connor: I’m so excited to see you. I told my parents that you’re going to be coming and they’re really excited to meet you. I don’t suppose I’ll get to see you before then, will I?

I stared at the text. He told his parents about me. Why? He wasn’t looking for a relationship, he didn’t seem to be the sort to date and have real relationships. Why would he want me to meet his parents?

I took a deep breath. I was excited and I was hopeful but I didn’t know why. I didn’t want to cancel on Connor, I did want to meet his parents. I wanted to meet the people who had shaped who he was, who had affected him so badly that he couldn’t be in a committed relationship. I had to make this work. I had to go to this party. I’d have to figure something out.

An idea came to my mind but I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to pull it off. I figured I could arrive at the party early and meet one of the guys outside, and then maybe try and keep them outside for a little bit and then go into the party and talk to the other guy and then go back outside with him and take the other guy inside while the other guy was waiting outside. It seemed complicated in my brain but I knew I had to try. It was one of the only ways to make it work.

I couldn’t be at the party with both of them, not if it was that small of a party. I mean I already had to worry about the other people at the party seeing me with both guys, but I figured maybe... I groaned as I realized everything was unraveling, I didn’t have a good plan. My plan sucked. What was I going to do?

I have to cancel. I have to cancel I told myself again, but then I looked at Connor’s message. But his parents...

I knew that I wanted to meet his parents and I knew that I was hopeful that if he wanted me to meet his parents that it meant something more than maybe it did.

I decided to call Lucas to see if he absolutely had to go to the party. If I could get Lucas to cancel the party and meet me somewhere else then perhaps I still had a shot at making it work.

Took a deep breath and called him, “Hey babe, how are you feeling?” he said.

“Not bad, I’m starting to feel better. Um, I had a question for you,” I asked him softly, trying to sound sick but not too sick like I was dying. I didn’t want him to send his legal secretary over or anything.

“Oh yeah, what is that?”

So about New Year’s Eve.”


“So you know the party you wanted to invite me to?”


“Well I was wondering, what if we did something just the two of us, you know?”

“Hmm, what do you want to do?”

“Well, I was thinking it would be a surprise. Would you be able to meet me?”

“I guess I could meet you, I could make something work. And what do you want to surprise me with?” And then he started chuckling. “Oh, Copyright 2016 - 2024