It's Complicated - J. S. Cooper Page 0,106

want to start, or should I?”

“I’ll start,” he said. He turned down the music as he drove. “Okay. I spy with my little eye something beginning with T.”

“T? Hm.” I looked out of the window and grinned. “Okay. I’m going to say tree, but if it’s tree, you must think I’m a dumbass because that’s so easy.”

“It is tree.” He laughed. “But I don’t think you’re a dumbass.” He gave me a quick look. “I think you’re quite smart. Everyone knows when you play a game, you start off easy and then you get hard.”

“Okay. Okay.” I grinned at him. “I spy with my little eye something beginning with W.”

“W? Huh.” He looked in front of him and then to the side. “W, W, window?”

“Oh, that’s a good one, but no, not window.”

“Hm.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. “Windshield?”

“Another good one.” I laughed. “But nope.”

“Wheel!” he said.

“You got it.” I smiled and stroked his shoulder. He looked over at me and gave me the biggest grin. I quickly removed my hand from his shoulder. I’m not sure why I touched him. It was way too familiar for the sort of relationship we had. “Okay. Your turn again,” I said quickly and looked out of the window so that I wasn’t staring into his eyes. He was making me feel things I shouldn’t have, and I guiltily looked down at my lap. My phone had been beeping nonstop. I knew it was Lucas. I knew he wanted to know if I wanted to come over for the movie, but I didn’t know how to respond to him.

“Okay. I spy with my little eye something beginning with R.”

“R. Huh.” I looked over at him and wrinkled my nose. “Okay.” I looked out of the window. I could see trees. There were leaves in the trees. That wasn’t it. Could he be thinking of a robin? But, he couldn’t see any birds, could he? “Does it have to be something you see, or something you think is there?” I said as I looked at him. “Because if you’re trying to say something that you think is there, that’s cheating.”

“No. It’s something I see.” He grinned.

“Okay. R. Oh, radio!” I said excitedly. “Is that it?”

“No, but good try.”

“Aw, man. Radiator?” I laughed even as I said the words, “Even though I guess we can’t see the radiator, can we?”

“No we can’t, Gemma. That’s not it.”

“Um. Um. Um. Um. I just don’t know.” I looked around. There were cars in front of me, but I didn’t see a Rolls Royce. The trees? I had no idea what type they were. “Oh, road!” I said. “Oh my God, I can’t believe I didn’t get it.”

“Well, you didn’t get it still because that’s not it,” he said.

“Oh my gosh. What is it?” I tapped my finger against my nose. “I am smart. I should get this. Okay. Not road. Not river, because there’s no river. Not robin redbreast, because we can’t see any. Not radiator.”

“Are you going to say every R word that you know?” He laughed.

“No, but I could if you wanted me to. Responsible, redundant, register, Roger.”

“Roger’s a name.”

“Well also, don’t they say in the army, ‘Roger that’?”

“I don’t know if they say that in the army.” He shook his head, “But okay, I’ll let that one pass.”

“Um. Raven.”

“Raven? Is that a guess, or is that just another random R word?”

“It’s just another random R word.” I laughed, and then I touched him on the knee. “Am I annoying you by saying every random R word I can think of?”

“Not at all,” he said softly. “Not at all.”

I realized that my hand was still on his leg, and I pulled it off quickly. What was I doing? I was the one that kept touching him. He had been a gentleman. He hadn’t tried to touch me. He hadn’t tried to kiss me. He hadn’t tried to do anything. And yet, me, the one who had said I didn’t even want to come, was basically all over him.

“Okay. I give up. What is it?”

“Are you sure you give up? Because if you give up, that’s a point for me.”

“Yeah, that’s one point. I’ll still win,” I said with a smile.

“It’s rim!” he said triumphantly.

“Rim,” I groaned. “Oh my gosh. Really? Part of a car?”

“What? It is a part of a car, and you can see it.”

“Okay. You win.”

“Well, that’s one point. Let’s keep going,” he said.

“Okay. How much longer until we get to Copyright 2016 - 2024