Iron Crowned Page 0,87


She didn't elaborate on the touching. I didn't ask. I was just relieved she hadn't gone through what I had. "I'm sorry," I told her. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you better."

Now she smiled. "You did fine. And hey, you ended the war, right? You won."

I turned away, staring off into space. "I guess I did."

We didn't talk much after that. I was tired, exhausted from all the magic. Apparently, using an ancient, powerful artifact wasn't as easy as it seemed. Neither was proving your dominance over a large piece of land. I'd felt wiped out last time but had gotten out of the Thorn Land as quickly as possible. Now, sitting here, I was stuck in the Rowan Land, still acutely aware of its every sensation. That intensity would fade, just as it had with the Thorn Land, but for now, it was like a hammer banging inside my head, demanding attention.

I practically flew to the gate when Rurik arrived. Once admitted, he and the force behind him paused. Studying the situation, he had a reaction similar to Volusian's.


"Things happened kind of fast," I admitted.

"It was well done. Possessing this land was a much better idea than simply defeating Katrice in battle."

I scowled. "Well, can you possess it for now?"

He grinned. "Gladly."

Turning from me, he fixed a hard gaze on those gathered. "You're all now subjects of Queen Eugenie, daughter of Tirigan Storm King," he barked. "Kneel."

I looked on imperiously as they obeyed. I knew this was necessary to establish our control. No weakness, no hesitation. We were conquerors. I'd long since taken off the Iron Crown but wished I'd brought my normal one of authority. Oh, well. It wasn't like I could've foreseen this when packing.

Everyone in the keep fell to their knees, heads bowed. We let them stay like that for several seconds while my stomach sank. Finally, they were allowed to rise, and Rurik kicked into full martial law mode, demanding an assessment of all soldiers and issuing rules for servants and refugees. He had a few tasks for me - more actions that made me seem queenly - before finally declaring I could leave.

"I'll sort out the immediate problems," he told me in a low voice. My own soldiers were now out and about, establishing order. "We'll lock this place down, start scouting the immediate area, sifting out those who can be trusted." He paused eloquently. "I'll probably have to throw a large part of their military into the dungeon."

"Do what you have to do," I said. I had a feeling he'd eventually want to talk executions but was holding back for now. I imagined I looked as tired as I felt.

"And you simply want to imprison the former queen for now?" he asked.

"For now."

Jasmine scoffed beside me, and Rurik's expression showed he shared her opinion.

"Well, don't stay away long," he said. "You need to make your presence felt. And you need to connect with the land."

"I know, I know," I grumbled. I'd avoided the Thorn Land before, but it had kept calling me back. "I know how this works."

He arched an eyebrow, that sardonic smile of his returning. "Do you? Do you know what's happened?"

I threw my hands up, gesturing around. "I got stuck with another kingdom."

"Do you know how many other monarchs control more than one kingdom?"

I shook my head, presuming whoever did must live far from me.

"No one," said Rurik.

"I ... What? No." Dorian had mentioned conquering more than one land, making me think it must happen now and then. The Iron Crown's purpose suggested as much. "There must be someone else."

"No one," Rurik repeated. "You're the only one. The only one in ages ... well, except for Storm King."

The world swayed around me again. I once more just wanted to go somewhere and lie down. My reaction brought a bigger smile to Rurik's face, but I swore there was a little sympathy in his eyes too.

"Congratulations," he said. "Congratulations, Eugenie - Queen of Rowan and Thorn."

Chapter 19

It took awhile before Kiyo, Jasmine, and I could return to Tucson. We had to go to the Thorn Land, of course, where Shaya and the others asked me all sorts of questions about what had happened and what I wanted to do. Kiyo and even Jasmine provided most of the answers for me because honestly, I wasn't sure what I wanted now. The only thing I had the real sense to do was demand Jasmine's key and unlock her chains. She stared at Copyright 2016 - 2024