Iron Crowned Page 0,86

still seemed to be in shock. The only time she came to life was when I debated what to do with Katrice and Cassius. Unsurprisingly, Jasmine's suggestion was to kill them.

"Confine them to her rooms," I ordered, hoping someone would obey me. "Guard them with ..."

I was kind of at a loss. Theoretically, gentry knew how this worked. Whoever controlled the land ruled, but I wasn't entirely sure the guards around here would be so keen about imprisoning the woman who had ruled them ten minutes ago. Volusian, I thought. Now that I was in control, I could summon him without fear. Then, I realized I needed him for more important things. I looked pleadingly at Kiyo, needing no words.

He nodded. "I'll watch them." He turned abruptly, urging the former royalty inside with a couple of guards who'd decided to get on board with me right away. Kiyo being on guard served two purposes. I could trust him to do a good job - and, the longer he did, the longer I was safe from his disapproval.

I then spoke the words to bring Volusian to me, the sight of him further frightening those who already watched me with terror. I'd let the storm dissipate, but darkness still seemed to wrap around my minion as his red eyes assessed me, the Iron Crown, and the tree.

"Unexpected," he said.

"Go to Rurik," I told him. "Explain what happened and have him bring an occupying force here immediately." I didn't know what that meant exactly, but I did know military control took precedence here if we were going to secure the land. Rurik would know what to do. Governing would come later. "And then ..." Now I hesitated. "Have Shaya contact Dorian about what happened. Then return to me."

Volusian paused, waiting for anything else I might add. When nothing more came, he vanished, and the sun seemed to shine a little brighter. It was all a waiting game now, and I glanced around at the Rowan Land's still-stunned residents.

"Well ... that's it. Carry on as usual. Guard the gates. No one leaves. And you ... go get your soup or ... whatever you're eating." That was for the civilians. When no one moved, I hardened my expression and repeated my orders more loudly. Fear flashed across the Rowan citizens' faces, and they sprang into action.

This inner courtyard was huge, and I spotted an unoccupied spot near some carts that must have delivered supplies earlier. I walked over to them, Jasmine following, and sat on the ground. It was a weird spot for a queen, I supposed, but I wanted to rest while waiting for Rurik. Plus, it still let me keep an eye on this delicate and dangerous situation. The bulk of the guards were out here, and I didn't think mutiny was out of the question yet. People were moving after my commands, but it was mostly to gather in anxious clusters and discuss what had happened.

Jasmine sighed and leaned her head back against the wall. "I want to go home," she said.

"We will. As soon as Rurik gets here, we'll head back to the castle and let him deal with this."

"No." Her voice was small. "My other home. The human world."

I turned to her in astonishment, dragging my gaze from some peasants who were begging the guards to let them out. "What? But you hate that world. You always said this is where you fit in."

"It is," she agreed. "But I just want ... I want to get away from all this for a little while. From magic. And castles. And ... whatever. I want to watch TV. I maybe want to see Wil. I want to charge my iPod. And my playlist doesn't suck."

I couldn't help a laugh. "I kind of want all those things too. We'll go soon. We'll ... we'll cut those chains. I-I'm sorry I don't have the key with me."

She shrugged. "It's fine."

"Kiyo's going to be upset about all this," I murmured, surprised to be confiding in her.

"You did the right thing," Jasmine said. "I mean, aside from not killing Katrice and Cassius. But you can still do that."

Any residual smile left on my lips vanished. "Cassius ..."

"They were lying," she said bluntly. "He didn't do anything."

"Jasmine ..."

"I'm serious." She looked at me, her blue-gray gaze level and steady. "He talked a lot of talk when he came to see me ... touched me a little. But that was it. I think they just wanted to scare Copyright 2016 - 2024