Iron Crowned Page 0,75

Dorian? Yes. Not with me. Jasmine's abduction had really gotten to Rurik, no question. I was pretty sure he was taking it personally. But I'd also caught the slight meaning in his carefully worded comment about her lightened guard. That had been my call. I had done it in response to her good behavior and had let her outside more. I'd known it was a potential security risk - but not one that involved her leaving against her will.

"We're at war," I said. "Regardless of her guard, this whole place should have been under lock-down."

He nodded, face growing grimmer. "As I said, there's no excuse. I take full responsibility."

I waved a hand dismissively. "It's too late now. I know you're doing your job. Don't lay yourself out for the slaughter. Volusian said there was a note?"

Shaya handed me a piece of rolled parchment. Kiyo leaned over my shoulder as I read it silently to myself:

To Eugenie, Usurper Queen of the Thorn Land, Daughter of Tirigan Stormi, King:

As you no doubt know by now, I have your sister within my custody. If you wish her returned to you alive, you and the Oak King will surrender unconditionally to me. You will cease hostilities immediately, withdraw your armies, and cede your lands. Additionally, you will turn over the alleged Iron Crown to me.

If you do not comply with these terms, your sister will be executed at noon, three days from the receipt of this letter. For now, she is alive, and I have given her into the keeping of my nephew Cassius.

I await your response.


Katrice, Queen of the Rowan Land,

Beloved of the Gods

I looked up at the many watching eyes. "'Given her into the keeping of my nephew Cassius.' Does that mean what I think it does?"

Shaya grimaced. "That is the nephew she wanted you to marry."

"Why execute Jasmine then?" I demanded. "Why not marry her off to Cassius? Isn't that a waste of one of Storm King's daughters?"

"Katrice hates you," said Kiyo softly. "At this point, she probably doesn't even care about the prophecy. She wants to get back at you, hurt you, and if that means killing Jasmine, then it's probably an acceptable loss - especially if she tries to then give you to Cassius after this 'surrender.'"

"So I'd get to live?"

Kiyo shrugged. "Longer suffering."

"Why choose her as a hostage though?" I didn't know why I was arguing the logic here. None of it mattered. Only the outcome did. "Everyone knows we don't get along."

"Everyone also probably knows that's been changing a little," said Kiyo. "You brought her to Dorian's."

"And," added Shaya, "a royal family member usually makes the best hostage in these situations."

These situations. For a moment, I nearly swayed on my feet, wanting to close my eyes and pass out. It had nothing to do with the heat. It was this. All of this. This situation always repeating itself. Me and Jasmine, cursed by our blood, always to be used and captured as possessions in a greater game. I'd hated Aeson, but at least he'd lured Jasmine into some pretense of love before taking advantage of her. But what about this Cassius? He'd make no attempts at kindness. This was all about punishment and revenge, after all. Had he already raped Jasmine? Was he doing it now? A sickening memory of Leith came to mind, one sharp and clear in spite of the drugged state I'd been in during my ordeal with him. Moments later, it was replaced by an image of this faceless Cassius lowering himself over a cowering Jasmine....

I pushed my weakness aside, steadying myself and bringing the world back into focus. I turned to Rurik. "How far are our armies spread out? How soon could we get them together and march on her? I want to raze that bitch's lands and burn her castle to the ground! I want to have the fucking wrath of heaven rain down on her and - "

I cut myself off, as startled at my words as the others were. Where had that rage come from? Well, the situation, obviously. I wouldn't want anyone thrown to Katrice's nephew before facing execution. But it occurred to me in that moment that my reaction was also ... personal. Somewhere, in the ups and downs of our dysfunctional family, I'd come to care about Jasmine. My anger came from the loss of her.

"Easy, Eug," said Kiyo, resting a hand on my arm. There was a nervous note in his voice, mirrored by the Copyright 2016 - 2024