Iron Crowned Page 0,74

two weeks that followed, though, I had to concede to my gentry side occasionally. The Thorn Land called to me, so I continued my quick visits, keeping the land strong and - no matter how much I hated to admit it - strengthening myself. Unfortunately, I took little joy from that because no good news ever came from the Otherworld. Katrice kept switching back and forth. Yes, she'd agree to the Maple Land - no, she'd changed her mind. Linden. But only if ambassadors went first, then the monarchs. No - she'd go. But it was back to the Willow Land. Or maybe some place altogether different? What about the Palm Land?

Dorian made no attempts at direct contact with me, but there was no need. When I went to bed each night, I could see his face. Wave the crown, wave the crown. Fortunately, my aggressive workload tired me out enough to fall asleep quickly.

Good news of sorts finally came one day when Kiyo and I were out hiking. The temperature had shot up, heralding spring, and I'd welcomed the break from work. Traipsing through the wilderness was something Dorian would certainly never do - especially in the desert. But like me, Kiyo appreciated the rugged beauty and heat of the land. I'd missed these excursions with him.

His eyebrows rose when my cell phone rang. "You can get a signal out here?"


I was as surprised as him. Looking at the ID, I saw Enrique's name pop up. His recent reports, after that brief surge of promising news, had been clipped and vague: simple reminders that he was still working on things.

I answered eagerly. "Please tell me you've found something."

"I have," he said. Enrique had that smug tone from when we'd met. It had been annoying then, but now, I found it encouraging. "I finally tracked down the gun dealer and - "

I didn't hear the rest because a sudden drop in the temperature and tingling in the air heralded Volusian's arrival. Apparently, I could get an Otherworldly signal out here too. My minion's orders to report all urgent news trumped whatever Enrique had to say.

"Hey," I interrupted. "I'll call you back."

"What the - "

I disconnected, not giving him a chance to finish his outrage. He probably wasn't used to being hung up on. I turned to Volusian, who waited patiently and silently for me. He was a spot of darkness on the sunny day; he seemed to suck away the light of the world.

"Please," I begged. "Please tell me Katrice has finally given in, so that we can talk."

Volusian stayed silent a few moments. I swear, it was for drama's sake, and I felt like choking him. "No," he said. "The Rowan Queen has not agreed to negotiations yet, although ... she has acted."

Kiyo and I exchanged looks. There was no way this could be good. I was also pretty sure Volusian liked delivering this news.

"She's kidnapped your sister," he said. "And has a list of demands to be met, if you want to see Jasmine alive again."

Chapter 16

Kiyo asked no questions when I called Enrique back and told him I'd be out of town and out of contact for a while - but that I trusted him to carry on. Really, Kiyo said little at all as we hurried back to my house. Within minutes, I had a small satchel packed, and then we were off to the Otherworldly crossing. No matter what ups and downs had occurred in our relationship, he knew me well. He knew I had to act on this immediately.

The questions began once I reached my castle.

"How the hell," I began, "did this happen?"

I was in one of the receiving rooms, Kiyo by my side as I stared down Shaya and some of the soldiers who manned the grounds. Rurik was with them, which gave me mixed feelings. I was glad he was back from Dorian's. I trusted him more than any other military guy around here. That being said, there was a petty part of me that held him responsible. How could someone as capable as him have let this happen?

He grimaced, as though guessing my thoughts. "A small group sneaked onto our grounds, overpowered her guards ... and took her." He hesitated. "She only had two with her, Your Majesty. As you'll recall, her escort was lightened. Still. There is no excuse."

I hadn't witnessed this kind of diplomacy and respect from Rurik since ... well, actually, I'd never really witnessed it. With Copyright 2016 - 2024