Iron Crowned Page 0,41


Some of Imanuelle's pleasant demeanor faded. "There are monarchs who would give half their kingdoms for my services! I'm very selective. I'm doing you a great honor."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're doing me an honor?"

She hesitated, realizing she was addressing one of the most formidable queens in the Otherworld. Again, Girard jumped in to save her.

"Forgive our presumption, Your Majesty. We only wanted to offer it as an option."

"It's been offered," I said bluntly. "And refused. Thank you for the 'honor.' You're welcome to visit your brother, of course, but I'd prefer that you stay here no longer than absolutely necessary."

I turned dramatically away from them, just catching the outrage on Imanuelle's face, and strode out. Shaya hurried by my side.

"Spoken like a queen," she said.

"Do I need to worry about that woman killing me now?" I asked. "Is she going to change into you and pull a knife on me?"

"I'm sure you'd respond as efficiently as you do to the other attacks on you," said Shaya dryly. "Her illusions aren't foolproof to everyone. I'm guessing Volusian could see through them if he were around. But, honestly ... although her pride has been hurt - she does have quite the reputation - I suspect she'll simply stalk off and leave you be, if only for her brother's sake."

"Well, that's nice. One less person trying to kill me." I raked my hand through my hair. "Anything else I need to deal with?"

That was a loaded question, of course. Shaya had a few more business matters for me to look over before I could finally see Jasmine. I hadn't talked to her after the dinner at Dorian's and felt she'd be a good distraction as I waited to see if Kiyo would come. I found her outside in one of the gardens, sitting in the shade of a mesquite tree as the sun grew higher and the heat increased. Her guards stood stoically nearby, and her fine chains glittered in the light. At my approach, she glanced up from a book. Petulant, power-hungry teen that she might be, she was also an avid reader, using fantasy to escape her mundane existence when she'd still lived among humans. This book was one I'd brought her recently, the first in a trendy series.

"Is it good?" I asked, sitting down opposite her.

"Not bad," she said, playing cool. A moment later, she gave herself away. "Are there more out in the series?"

"Three more, I think."

She said nothing but smiled as she set the book beside her.

"Did you have fun at Dorian's?" I asked.

"Yeah. It was nice to be out." Her eyes gazed off, not really focusing on anything. "I think the best part was watching Shaya scare off all the guys hitting on me." She turned back to me. "Is that what it's like for you all the time?"

"Not since I got together with Dorian. They've slacked off - and Shaya doesn't scare them away. She abandons me."

Jasmine smiled again. "Dorian's crazy about you. Obsessed."

"That's kind of an extreme observation."

"It's true." She brushed hair out of her eyes. The sunlight was turning it to gold, making me a little envious; I'd gotten true red from our father, rather than strawberry blond. She could wear pink. "It's good," she continued. "His obsession. That bitch Ysabel wants him, you know. And she hates you. So does her mom."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out."

She shrugged. "Well, then, keep Dorian close."

"I'm not worried."

"Ysabel's got kids, and you won't give him any."

I was so sick of hearing about me and procreation. "Lots of gentry women have kids. Are you saying I should worry about all of them, Little Miss Love Guru?"

"Not all of them look like you. I mean, not exactly like you ... but I think Dorian gets off on redheads. Maybe he figures he'll have red-haired kids that way. I don't know. But, whatever. I'm just saying she's waiting there for you to slip up with Dorian. And he's already gone for her before. She's got a bigger chest than you, too."

"Hey," I said indignantly. "That's irrelevant. Besides, he went for her - and she annoyed him. And I'm not going to 'slip up.' He's not going anywhere." I frowned, surprised by my next words, that I'd actually say them to her. "It's Kiyo I've got to pull in."

Jasmine's gray eyes widened in shock. "Him? He's no use to you ... unless, oh Jesus. You guys aren't planning some three-way, are you? I mean, I know you and Copyright 2016 - 2024