Iron Crowned Page 0,40

human skill. He could even touch iron in very small amounts.

"I'm sure he's made something great, but I'm not in the mood today," I told her. "I want to see Jasmine."

"He's not here to display work. He wants to introduce you to his sister." She looked at me expectantly and seemed surprised by my lack of reaction. "You've never heard of her? Imanuelle de la Colline?"

I shook my head. "Should I have?"

Shaya shrugged. "Maybe not. But I think you'll find her ... interesting. It'll only take a minute."

It was true I was in a hurry, but Shaya's attitude intrigued me. We went to Girard's workshop, rooms I'd given to him on the castle's outer edge in case his work ever set something on fire. He was bent over a table, fingers magically working a bundle of metal and jewels.

"Another crown?" I asked with amusement. They seemed to be his favorite thing to make.

Girard looked up, startled, and bowed. "No, Your Majesty. It's something Lord Rurik has requested. If you'd like another crown - "

I waved him silent. "No, no. God knows I have plenty. Hardly seems like Rurik's style, though."

Girard didn't comment. Client confidentiality, I supposed. Turning, he pointed off toward the side of his workshop, and I gaped. A woman stood there, and somehow I hadn't noticed her upon entering - which seemed impossible. She and her brother shared the same dark skin and black hair, as well as a taste for bright clothing. The dress she wore was a stunning teal silk, cut shorter than most gentry dresses. Something about it gave me the impression she wore it for utility, not sexiness.

"Your Majesty," she said, sweeping me a curtsey. Also like Girard, a faintly French-sounding accent laced her words.

"This is my sister, Imanuelle," he said. Like Shaya, he seemed to expect me to know who his sister was.

"It's nice to meet you," I told her. When no one said anything, I shifted restlessly, impatient to go. Seeing this, Imanuelle strode forward, her steps graceful and liquid.

"Your Majesty," she said. "I've come to offer my services to you, should you like to hire me."

I glanced at the other faces, seeking more information, but received none. "What do you do?" I asked. "Do you work metal like Girard?"

A mischievous smile crossed Imanuelle's face. She had caught on that I really didn't know who she was and appeared to enjoy that. "No. My talents are of ... a different nature."

I saw a slight gesture of her hand, and then suddenly, the teal silk dress turned yellow. A moment later, it changed form altogether, turning into a flowing velvet gown. Then, she wasn't Imanuelle at all. A clone of Shaya stood before me. After letting that sink in, Imanuelle returned to her original form. She bowed, as though having just performed a stage show.

"I'm an illusionist," she said. "I can make people see things that aren't there. Most importantly, I can make myself look like anything I choose."

It was one of the cooler gentry powers, but I didn't entirely see how it'd be useful for me. "So I can finally be in two places at once?" I joked.

That brought another smile. "I suppose ... but I've honed other skills to accompany these. Ones many monarchs find useful. I ... get rid of problems."

Apparently guessing my confusion, Shaya sighed and dropped her usual formality. "You're better off not dancing around the subject. My queen prefers directness." She turned to me. "Imanuelle is an assassin, Your Majesty."

Imanuelle's smile tightened a little. I think she preferred her more flowery description. "That's an ugly word for a formidable skill set."

It took me a moment to catch on. "So, you're here to - Wait. You think I'm going to hire you to, what, assassinate Katrice?"

Imanuelle shrugged eloquently, and her brother spoke up for her. "Some might see that as a quick way to end the war, if I may be so bold." Girard had picked up that I didn't like this idea at all and was understandably nervous. He valued his position with me.

"It's a dirty, sneaky way to end a war!" I exclaimed. "It'd make me no better than Katrice and her bastard son."

"It would eliminate Katrice directly," said Imanuelle. "Since she is the source of your problems. I could disguise myself as someone in her castle. Quick, easy. No other innocents need be hurt."

For a heartbeat, her words almost made sense. Then I shook my head emphatically. "No. I'm not going to stoop to that Copyright 2016 - 2024