Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,37

want to spend eternity down below.

I can only hope that I’m not too late in that regard.

Chapter Twenty


“I am getting extremely tired of our people getting taken and hurt,” Bear says. “This is the last time this shit happens.”

I nod my head in agreement and go back to following Hernández’s tracks.

“These tracks are too obvious,” Wolf says. “He’s not at all afraid of being caught.”

“Maybe he was counting on the storm to wash any trace of him away,” Hawk says. “It would have worked if it hadn’t stopped raining.”

“His footprints stop here,” Wolf says, pointing at the highway.

“That’s why he wasn’t trying to hide his trail,” Bear says. “He knew that once he was in a vehicle there would be no way for us to follow him.”


I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing heart. Hernández didn’t even take Rachel’s chair. She won’t be able to escape him. She will have no choice but to stay and do as she’s told.

“Hey, wait up,” Slim yells, running towards us.

“Has anyone ever considered checking Hernández’s father’s place?” Slim pants.

“Always the reasonable and clear-headed one,” I say.

“Not really, Rachel’s sister Becky just showed up,” Slim admits. “She told me that she was taken by Hernández in order to lure Rachel in. She was released not long ago and headed straight here. She told me that they had her at some mansion.”

Without another word, we all turn and head for our bikes.

Please, be there, baby.


While my addled brain storms through ideas on how to kill Roman, we pull up to a beautiful house. Well, it looks more like a mansion.

“Welcome to the Hernández estate,” Roman says proudly. “My father raised me in this house. I plan to raise our children here as well.”

I say nothing when all I want to do is freaking scream.

“My father is inside waiting, Dove, let’s go.”

He exits the car and starts walking towards the house.

Run my brain shouts. I guess it forgot that my legs are useless.

Roman turns around and I see that he’s laughing.

“I actually forgot that you can’t walk,” he says when he opens the back door.

He leans into the car and I do the only thing I can. I poke him in the eye. And I’m not gentle about it.

“Damnit, woman,” he shouts. “Leave that feisty attitude for when we’re in our room.”

“Don’t mind your cousins sloppy seconds, I see,” I mock.

I’m satisfied when I see how red and puffy his right eye is.

“Yeah, that was probably a mistake on my part,” he says, reaching into the car again. “Put the finger away, woman.”

My hands are in my lap as he picks me up like his actual bride. I don’t want to fight him every time because I need him surprised when the time is right.

“You know,” I say. “You’re really not all that attractive.”

I hear someone laugh as Roman frowns.

“He gets his looks from his Madre,” a man says.

I turn my head and see an older version of Roman standing in front of us.

“I don’t know,” I say, apparently asking for death. “He’s the spitting image of you. You must be his father.”

The man laughs.

“You were right, mijo,” the man says. “She is feisty.”

“Papa,” Roman says, smiling. “This is my new bride, Rachel. Dove, this is my father.”

“I would say nice to meet you,” I say. “But, in reality, I hope you both drop dead.”

The man laughs again. There’s something wrong with this family.

“Did she do that to your eye, mijo?”

“Si, Papa,” Roman smiles. “It’s a good thing her legs don’t work, or she’d have probably escaped already.”

They both laugh as we head towards the beautiful house.

It took almost an hour to get here from where Roman tossed me in the car. Sammy’s probably noticed by now that I’m gone. I know he’ll be angry when he finds out that I left willingly.

I can only hope that my sister makes it there quickly to let him know that I love him and that I’m fine.

I know Becky was right when she said that Sammy won’t stop looking. I just hope that when he does eventually find my body, he’ll find Roman’s and his father’s there with me.

I think back to the fear on Rose’s face when she told me about this family. I think back to the looks of sadness on multiple faces when I was told of their friend, Princess, and how she was murdered by this family.

I think of all the women that these men have sold as sex slaves. Copyright 2016 - 2024