Ink's Second Chance - Carol Dawn Page 0,36

hear and then he tosses her over his shoulder and runs off.

I lose all strength in my body and fall to my knees.

How could I let this happen? My woman was taken by the man responsible for her rape while I was playing a fucking card game.

“Ink,” Trigger says, kneeling on the floor in front of me. “We’ll find her, brother. We’ll find her and we’ll make that mother fucker pay. But, in order to do that, you need a clear head. We need to make a plan.”

“I called Ma,” Bear says. “Ace is bringing over a few of the Dragon’s to watch the club while we hunt.”

I tune out what everyone else says and I focus on the anger in my body.

I will find my woman. And when I do, I’m never letting her out of my sight again.


Roman ran for about twenty minutes before he tossed me into the back of a vehicle.

“You know, Dove,” he says from the front of the car. “My original plan was to take Bear’s woman. She is what was promised to me after all. But our last meeting made me realize that I like you better.”

Rose told me all about how her father sold her to the Hernández family. I’m not sure why, we never went into detail. But, apparently, Roman was going to marry her. I’m beyond happy that she was able to escape from her old life.

“However,” Roman continues when I don’t respond. “I did like you better when you were feisty. Now, you’re nothing but a little mouse. What’s wrong, Dove?”

Is he kidding? What’s wrong?

“I did what you asked,” I say instead of answering his question. “Now, let my sister go.”

“Don’t worry, Dove,” he laughs. “I keep my word. I’ve already sent the message to let her go. Unharmed.”

“How do I know you’re telling me the truth?” I ask.

“You’ll just have to take my word for it.”

Taking his word for it isn’t something I want to do but it’s clear that it’s the only hope I have.

I don’t say anything else and just hope that he’s being honest.

“I can prove it,” he says five minutes later. “She really is just fine.”

I’m surprised at how much he wants me to believe him.

“Prove it,” I challenge.

“Call her,” he says, tossing my cell in the seat beside me.

To say I’m surprised would be an understatement. I press one and hit dial.

“Rachel, why the hell did you do it?”

Hearing Becky’s voice sends tears down my face.

“Becky, are you okay?” I ask.

“I’m fine,” she says, clearly angry. “They told me they were going to use me to get to you. Why didn’t you stay with Sam?”

“Listen,” I say, not caring if Roman hears. “I need you to call Sammy and tell him that I’m fine. Tell him that I love him. I always have and I always will.”

“Damnit, Rachel. I’m already on my way over there. Don’t do anything stupid. Sam won’t stop until he finds you.”

“That’s enough,” Roman says.

A second later the call drops.

“How did you do that?” I demand, furious that I can’t kick the back of his seat like a child throwing a tantrum.

“Cell phone blocker,” he says simply. “I was starting to get a little jealous. Now you know I was telling you the truth and your sister is just fine.”

“Fine,” I say. “Now tell me where you’re taking me and what you have planned.”

“I’m taking you home,” he answers. “And to be quite honest, I have no idea of our future plans. Only that we will be together.”

“Over my dead body.”

“There she is,” he laughs. “My feisty, soon to be, bride. My father is expecting us. You see, he’s forgiven me and has accepted me back into the family. All, I had to do was kill one of the Sons. And I did just that.”

“I will never be your bride,” I declare. “And I don’t know who you killed, but it wasn’t a Son.”

“Yeah, well my father doesn’t need to know that. Just keep your delicious mouth shut and we’ll both make it through this meeting alive.”

Well, thank you for the tip. I have absolutely no intention of marrying this man. I have no intention of keeping my mouth shut. If Roman is afraid of his father, then that’s something I can use to my advantage.

I close my eyes and pray for the first time in years. I’ve never been a religious person, but I know for a fact that tonight is my last night alive and I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024