Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,97

fucking trusted you.”

“And you were a fool,” Aiden said, laughing once again.

“Wait, brother,” Liam encouraged. “Let the authorities handle this.”

“Don’t do it, Gabriel,” Jefferson stated in a firm voice. “He’s not worth it.”

Gabriel was shaking, his upper lip curling. “Did you hire my best friend to betray me as well?” He glared at Jefferson, shaking his head.

Aiden moved from foot to foot as he twisted the knife. “I assure you, Jefferson had nothing to do with this. He is actually loyal to you, whereas your accountant had no problem selling you out.”

“Let her go, you bastard, or I will pull the trigger and I assure you that I am a crack shot,” Gabriel said, allowing a smile to cross his face. “You’re responsible for making the threats, including to Luis.”

Aiden snickered. “He was easy. All I had to do was threaten his precious little girl and he knew I was serious since Bobby Rivers was spending so much time with the lovely Alessandra. Luis knew better than to risk her life in order to save a monster like you.”

Everything was becoming fuzzy, the nightmare more real than I could have imagined, the police continuing to advance. As Stephen came into view, I whispered Gabriel’s name as well as the very words that seemed to terrify him so much.

“I... love... you.”

“Mr. Aiden Raintree, these officers are here to take you into custody for the death of Mr. Luis Toro, the murder for hire of Bobby Rivers, and for extortion. I suggest you put down the knife or the officers will be forced to shoot you,” Stephen said.

Several officers moved in, their weapons drawn, all prepared to do what was necessary.

I could see the confusion in Gabriel’s eyes, but only for a few seconds. He was determined to save me, to follow through with the unsaid promise my father had believed.

“Why?” Gabriel asked, inching even closer.

Aiden pressed his face against mine, his breathing labored. “Why? You don’t remember me? Why should you? You didn’t even come to the funeral. That’s right, my family would have gunned you down.” The change in Aiden’s voice, the Irish accent harsh as he spit out the words, created a wave of emotions on Gabriel’s face as well as a wavering of the hold on the gun.

“Yes... I’m Christina’s brother and you murdered her.” Aiden’s voice cracked, his body shaking.

“No!” Jefferson intervened, flanking Gabriel’s side. “It was an accident, a horrible, tragic accident.”

“You’re lying!” Aiden screeched, his hold on my neck loosening.

Jefferson eased an envelope from his jacket, turning his attention toward Gabriel. “I went to Ireland to find out the truth. What I found were faulty brakes that were supposed to have been repaired. Instead, they were cut. You didn’t kill Christina, Gabriel. You had no control over the car.”

Salvation—deliverance from sin and consequences. On that day of white fluffy clouds and pristine blue skies, my beautiful wedding day, I truly understood the meaning.

All the pain and suffering, all the lies and torment came crumbling down.

“That’s not true!” Aiden snapped, his breath skipping. I could feel the vibrations of his hammering heart against me as the man became unraveled, the point of the knife becoming painful.

“It’s over, Gabriel,” Jefferson continued.

Gabriel turned his head slowly, giving Jefferson a nod of respect, but as he shifted his gaze back in my direction, I could see the same darkness pooled in his eyes.

This would never be over.

“Let. Her. Go,” Gabriel’s voice boomed.

Aiden huffed, his chest heaving as beads of sweat fell from his face to mine. I dug my fingers into his arms, struggling once again. I knew exactly what he was about to do. “You took my sister away from my family. You destroyed them. Now I’m going to take everything away from you.”


They didn’t always come in perfect packages. There wasn’t a playbook of requirements, instructions on saving the damsel in distress. There was only the understanding they would fight to the death in order to save the ones they loved.

And on my shattered wedding day, I knew Gabriel Masters truly loved me the second he pulled the trigger.

Chapter Eighteen


“You don’t have to worry, Gabriel. I promise you that everything will be taken care of until you return, which I hope isn’t for a long time.” Jefferson grinned as he patted me on the back. “You need time to get reacquainted with your family and your country.”

Sighing, I scanned the perimeter of my office, my heart just as heavy as it had been the last few days. Copyright 2016 - 2024