Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,96

escort me to the first day of the rest of my life.

Only I knew by the end of the day, I would be behind steel bars once again, this time with no hope of salvation.

There would be no romantic honeymoon, no chance to redeem my life.

With the lovely bouquet in my hand, I descended the stairs, my heart heavy.

The music was beautiful, the setting incredible, and the man I was about to marry stunning in his elegant tux. Everything was exactly as any good fairytale I would wish for; not a cloud in the sky, dozens of white roses located as far as the eye could see, the golden runner shimmering in the sunlight and decorated with hundreds of flower petals.

Kito squeezed my arm before walking away, standing with the other guard in order to see the comings and goings of guests, what few there were. The moment I stepped on the dazzling runner, the music changed, the guests immediately standing. There was nothing like the sight of Gabriel’s face as he turned to watch my progression. So eager. So happy. So full of life.

Liam stood by his side, so very like his brother yet so different in many ways. But there was tremendous respect and admiration for his long-lost brother, a moment of peace for both of them.

His best man squeezed his shoulder, Aiden’s eyes also never leaving me as I took deliberate steps, scanning the guests on each side. While I knew none of them, I could see total shock on several of their faces. They hadn’t been anticipating the identity of the bride to be.

As I neared my beloved fiancé, my heart began to race. I had to find the courage to do what was necessary.

Until death do us part.

Gabriel’s gaze was drawn away and to the back of the garden, rage replacing his blissful happiness.

“What the hell?” Gabriel hissed, his voice loud enough to draw immediate attention from the closest guests, several jerking to their feet. He rushed forward, offering a waning smile as he cupped my face before taking long strides down the aisle.

“What are they doing here?” Liam asked.

I turned just enough to see both Stephen and Jefferson heading into the area.

Within seconds, the lovely garden was surrounded by members of law enforcement, all advancing with a clear purpose in mind.

To arrest Gabriel.

To take me back to prison.

No. No. No!

That wasn’t going to happen, at least not until I was finished with my task.

I refused to allow lies to tear apart a man who’d already been through so much. As with everything in the last two weeks, all time slowed to a crawl; sounds muddled, movements labored but my vision was crystal clear.

As well as my intent.

There was only way of justice in my mind. I watched as the bouquet slowly fell from my fingers, the action yet another cathartic moment of purity lost. I reached under the dress, my grip firm on the handle of the knife. I had purpose. I had conviction.

And nothing or no one was going to stop me.

I advanced, moving in front of the true monster, his smile telling.

“You killed my father, you bastard. Now you’re going to pay for your sins.” The words were no surprise to the asshole who’d pretended to be Gabriel’s best friend, standing by his side in preparation of an unholy matrimony. As everyone else faded away from my line of sight, leaving only the two of us standing, I lunged forward.

Only Aiden had anticipated my attack, grabbing my wrist and twisting, easily able to take the knife from my hand. As he pulled me against him, wrapping his arm around my neck, he placed the edge of the blade against my jugular and laughed. My air was instantly cut off as I struggled with him, trying desperately to get out of his grasp.

“You remembered,” he hissed, yanking me back several feet. “Unfortunately, too little, too late.”

A single gasp drew Gabriel’s attention and in another moment of slow motion, his beautiful eyes turned dark and cold, hungry for vengeance.

“No!” Gabriel screamed, fighting his way through the guests in order to get to me.

As Aiden’s grip tightened, stars floated in front of my eyes, my throat closing.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Gabe. I have no problem killing her,” Aiden hissed as Gabriel came within two feet, the gun pointed at Aiden’s head.

“What. The. Fuck?” Gabriel snarled. “I should have known it was you, your friendship always convenient, your questions always pointed. I Copyright 2016 - 2024