Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,9

The terms weren’t merely strict. They were ridiculous.




And there was no other choice.

“I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to make your decision,” Stephen encouraged, pushing a ballpoint pen in my direction.

My eyes were heavy, my mind shifting to memories of the wonderful life I’d had before. I couldn’t feel the pen in my hand, although I knew I’d picked it up. As I scribbled my name onto the appropriate pages, the judge walked back in from his chambers. The moment I shifted the file in Stephen’s direction, I could no longer remember the majority of details. However, I knew one thing, the most important aspect of the blasphemous contract.

I’d signed away not only my soul to a complete stranger.

I’d sold my body as well.

* * *

Everything was a blur from signing various forms to being allowed to change into my old clothes instead of the horrible orange jumpsuit. Stephen had said almost nothing else, other than praising me for a ‘job well done.’ I couldn’t help but wonder how much he’d been paid to encourage me to accept. Even his friendly handshake with the attorney for the other party represented on the contract indicated a decision made by the ‘old boys’ club,’ as my father would call it.

I stood in a small room, waiting for instructions, trying to keep my shit together. I could still hear the angry shouts of those disgusted that a deal had been made. When the dark-haired man next to Stephen turned in my direction, I concentrated on the flecks of gray mixed in at his temples. I would like to say he was a handsome man except there was no light in his eyes. He walked closer, an echo of his actions pounding in my ears.

“Ms. Toro, my name is Jefferson Williams. I am Gabriel Masters’ attorney.” There was no handshake, no smile, only arrogance. He gazed all the way down the length of me before taking a deep breath. “I’ll be taking you to where you’ll be staying. You are to say nothing to the reporters or anyone else about the contract. Am I clear?”

“Uh-huh,” I managed. “Where are you taking me?” Deal or no deal, I wanted to learn the details of what I’d agreed to. What kind of person wanted to hire me and why? Didn’t Mr. Masters know I was supposed to be a killer? I bit back a moan, my entire body aching. The name sounded only vaguely familiar.

“Somewhere safe.” He seemed annoyed at my question, as if I no longer had the right to ask anything.

“What kind of work will I be doing?”

The single flash in his eyes gave me a series of shivers. Was this even about a job of any kind?

“Will I be able to meet Mr. Masters?” I dared to ask. I’d barely noticed and certainly hadn’t recognized the name of the man who was responsible for freeing me before signing mine. Why were all the words a sudden blur? What did this stranger expect me to do? What kind of punishments?

Oh, God. What had I done?

“In due time,” he said as he checked his watch. “We need to get going. Mr. Masters does not accept tardiness. You will be compliant. Put this on and cover your face as much as possible.”

The scarf in his hand would do little to hide me from the gawkers.

The pompous man couldn’t hide his disdain for my presence, or the fact he’d been required to deal with me. A wave of understanding settled in. I’d given up far too many rights.

“No. I can’t do this. I don’t want this anymore.”

I didn’t expect his hand to wrap around my forearm or for the man to jerk me so close to him that I was able to gather a whiff of the stale coffee on his breath. He peered down at me, his eyes even darker than I’d noticed before. “The contract you signed was very clear, Ms. Toro. You gave up your right of choice the moment you signed your name. Now I was hoping the ride could be pleasant, but if you insist on being uncooperative, I will have no choice but to provide your first lesson in conforming. Do I make myself clear? Put the scarf around your head and face. Now.”

“Conforming?” Shivering, I did as I was told, wrapping my head with the scarf.

“I believe you understand the word. Do I have your promise that you will be a good girl during the ride?”

I nodded, unable to Copyright 2016 - 2024