Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,8

formal sentencing of Ms. Alessandra Elizabeth Toro for attempted murder.”

No. God. I’m innocent! Please. Please...

“Judge Taylor. I’m sorry to interrupt but may I approach the bench? I have some information that may alter the outcome of your decision.” Stephen rose halfway from his chair, his look conciliatory.

Judge Taylor hissed through clenched teeth then nodded once. “Make it quick, counselor.”

“Yes, sir.” Stephen said nothing to me before walking in front of the judge, the file firmly clutched in his hand. Whatever they were discussing was in whispered words.

I stole a quick glance as the main door just as another bystander hungry to see justice served walked in. The older man I’d seen with Stephen was waiting in the hallway. My nerves were on edge, claws of terror digging into my neck.

As the judge took the file, flipping through several pages, I felt a wave of nausea. When Judge Taylor glared at me again, I could tell me was sizing me up, seeing if I was worth whatever was the offer on the table. I’d never felt so small, so damn insignificant in my life.

He closed the file, whispering only a few words, obviously dismissing Stephen before motioning for the bailiff for another hushed conversation.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the bailiff stated. “The court will take a five-minute recess.”

Stephen sat down, fingering the file before turning toward me. “We only have a few minutes. You need to listen to me and you’re going to have to make a very tough decision in a short period of time. Do you think you can do that?”

“What are we talking about?” I wanted to rip the goddamn file out of his hands.

“I already told you that since you’ve been found guilty, there is absolutely no chance to avoid spending years in prison. There’s just too much evidence against you.”

Bullshit. Bullshit!

I leaned forward, clenching my hands together. “Except?”

“For a deal that was just presented to me.” Given his tense body language, I wasn’t entirely comfortable with what he was prepared to offer. What difference did it make as long as it gave me time to incriminate the asshole who’d been responsible for shattering my world?

“If there’s a way to exonerate myself, I’m going to take it, no matter what it is.”

Stephen took a deep breath, sliding the file in my direction but keeping his palm firmly planted on top. “I’m sorry, Alessandra, this isn’t about proving your innocence. You need to understand that clearly.”

“Then what the hell are you talking about?”


“Isn’t that what a prison sentence is all about?” The way he muttered the word, rolling the two syllables across his tongue in a husky voice insinuated dark and dangerous punishment.

He released his hold. “This is a very... unusual offer, but I respect the people involved.”

“Who are they?” He respected them. Was that supposed to make me more comfortable?

“As I said, you have about three minutes to make your decision. This won’t be offered a second time. I assure you that if you accept the contract, you will never spend a day in a state-run prison cell. However, the terms are very strict, including your level of employment.”

Employment. Penance. The two words didn’t work within the same contract. “You think I should do this?” I searched his eyes for even a glimpse of an answer. As usual, they were cold and all about business. This was crazy. Who would offer a last-minute deal and why would the judge even consider it?

“This is entirely your choice to make; however, if you want my professional opinion, I see no other options for you. I also believe this is what your father would want you to do. The party involved was your father’s employer.”

Jesus. He was pulling out all the cards.

A trickle of fear slid down my spine, but what the hell choice did I have? Maybe this would be okay. Maybe his employer believed in me like my father did. I couldn’t even remember anything about who they were, my father never mentioning more than a few words about his work. My mind was muddled, trying to remember any details. What could I do? Even if I filed an appeal, that could take two years. While my father had obviously paid Stephen well, I had nothing to my name including money, which meant zero incentives to push to prove my innocence. I slowly pulled the file closer, holding my breath as I opened it.

Within only a few seconds of reading, all sounds were shoved into a vacuum, my vision cloudy. Copyright 2016 - 2024