Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,54

using me as a pawn. My God. I’d been fooled by his charm and good looks.

Why couldn’t I remember what had happened that night? Had he drugged me? That had to be the reason.

I’d never suspected after meeting Bobby in the library at college that he was anything but a graduate student, an older man who showered me with attention. He’d been sweet, allowing me to laugh. I’d known he was attracted to me, yet he’d never forced a situation, or made me feel uncomfortable. Not once. A gentleman, I’d called him. Until that night. Until he’d accused me of trying to kill him.

Until he’d set me up to take the fall.

Everything was a total mess, a nightmare that would never end. How did my father know Bobby? Who was he? What the hell was my father involved in?

And Gabriel.

Was he actually my dark knight on a blackened steed shielding me from danger or would he be my ultimate demise?

I was unable to stop the tears, the sickness pooling in my stomach. Now I knew that I was nothing more than a puppet, the master controlling every aspect of my life. How fitting his last name was, his need for domination fulfilled by a single promise. Everything I’d worked to achieve was gone, stripped away from me, including my sanity.

Now I was owned, not just forced into signing an illegal contract but given freely. I would be punished at Gabriel’s will, required to submit at all times. What else? Would I be paraded around town, the glorious porcelain doll with the perfect manners and the good sense to remain quiet? There had to be more to this wretched, toxic game.

Was it possible Gabriel didn’t fully understand the ramifications? Could he be innocent in all of this?

No. No. No. No.

I tumbled onto the bed, clutching the letter and allowing myself to sob like a baby. This I deserved, but there would be no more. I would remain obedient, a good little girl who followed every rule while searching for the real truth. I would find it.

I would be cunning.

I would be brave.

The game would be mine to facilitate.

And I would find a way to escape.

Goddamn it, no one would keep me from learning why my father had sold me off.

Exhaustion pulled its ugly veil over my mind, the ache in my stomach forcing me to double over. I folded the letter ever so carefully, sliding it under the single pillow then jerking the blanket over me.

“Daddy. Why did you forsake me?” As the foreboding sound of my own voice filtered into my ears, I closed my eyes.

And the only image remaining was Gabriel.

* * *

There were no outward sounds, no jarring requests to get up and begin pretending. I simply opened my eyes and rolled over, gazing toward the window. I couldn’t remember if the drapes had been open or closed, but they were now open all the way, allowing the shimmering stream of late afternoon sun to float across my bed. Yawning, I stretched and pulled back the covers, slowly placing my tender foot against the wooden floor.

I felt refreshed from the long nap, although guilt quickly replaced the feeling of warmth and relaxation. I moved toward the window, pressing my hand on the glass and peering out. The pool was just as beautiful as before, the water a perfect shade of aquamarine. The reflection of a light drew my attention, my skin prickling as I turned my head.

A plush chair had been positioned in a space formerly empty. The table placed beside held a lamp, one meant for reading and there was a single book waiting to be devoured. I walked closer, darting a quick glance toward the closed door. Had Gabriel stood over me as I slept, or had he sent in the hulking bouncer without my knowledge?

What captured my breath and refused to let go was the lovely dress that had been placed on the back of the chair. My hands were shaking as I reached out, running my fingers across the soft material. Emerald in color, I could tell even without picking it up that he’d spared no expense. While there were no shoes, there was a bag from one of the finest lingerie stores located on the seat.

There was also a single rose—white in color.

My favorite.

My mouth was dry as I reached for the rose, my heart racing. Was this meant as a peace offering, or just another part of his method of seduction? I Copyright 2016 - 2024