Indebted - Piper Stone Page 0,55

pulled the flower to my nose, inhaling deeply. The scent was intoxicating. I’d been given additional privileges. Why? Because I’d sucked his cock? Because I’d been forced to face another humiliating experience when Jefferson had stormed into the room?

A part of me wanted to crush the rose between my fingers, showing that my anger and hatred could never be traded for a few nice things. But I couldn’t. The flower was a symbol of hope, so pure and natural. I took another deep whiff, carefully placing it on top of the book.

Pride and Prejudice.

What a fascinating choice.

Perhaps I’d read it cover to cover, even able to obtain additional knowledge about my captor.

My soon to be husband.

What did he have in mind for our wedding? I shuddered at the thought, reminding myself that it was unholy.

I knew the arrival of the dress and other things meant he wanted something. As I lifted the bag, easing my hand inside, my fingers touched a thin piece of paper. A love note? I laughed as I pulled it into the light, daring myself to read the contents.


Please join me for dinner at precisely seven.

Do not be late.

There was no signature, no romantic words. Merely a request that I knew couldn’t be denied. However, how would I know what time it was? An odd sense swept over me and I turned my head toward the nightstand by the bed. A clock. I marveled at the simple gift. Now at least I’d know what time of day it was. I was almost giddy, as if I’d been given a marvelous prize.

I was already succumbing to the ugliness of my life.

I had thirty minutes in which to become presentable for the man who had zero patience.

The selection of panties was exquisite, one even a lighter shade of the dress, the size correct. It was as if Gabriel had learned all about me. How? That was an impossibility. There was even a selection of makeup. I was surprised, uncertain of how to feel.

As I gathered my things, heading to the functional bathroom, I took another glance toward the rose.

I’d been surprised there were no thorns.

The bathroom was just as stark as before; the perfectly white walls matched the shower and sink as well as the soft yet oppressively colorless towels. Even the light was utilitarian, the room meant for the pure and innocent.

Or the damned.

I hung the dress on the hook on the back of the bathroom door, gazing at it before slowly easing the gown over my head. I was suddenly so cold, my teeth chattering as I dared to look into the mirror. For the first time, I noticed just how haunted my eyes were, the sallowness of skin reflective of the lack of sun I’d experienced for such a long time.

I laid out the makeup, fighting a giggle that bubbled at my throat. The beautiful colors in the makeup set reminded me of a rainbow.

A world full of vibrant colors; rainbows and unicorns, puppy dogs and a vibrant sun. A fairytale.

Even sliding into the dress had been a cathartic moment, the frock fitting perfectly, hugging every curve. My panty color of choice? Crimson. My act of defiance.

I couldn’t stop my legs from quivering as I applied makeup. When I was finished, I felt more like a clown than a puppet or a doll, the starkness of the dark color I’d selected a direct contrast to my alabaster skin. There was no time to wash it off and start over. I wound my hair around my fingers, shaping the unruly curls as much as possible.

Then I stood back, gazing at the woman who would forever haunt me.

She’d aged in just a few months, no longer innocent or pure. Just tired and anxious, wishing for that perfect knight to come and rescue her.

The rap on the door came at precisely seven, the lock disengaged. While the person entering the room was different than the one before, he was almost identical in body structure. A big man with strong muscles.

All to keep the prized treasure from fleeing.

“Mr. Masters would like to see you now.” His deep baritone held no inflection, his eyes reflecting nothing as he stood by the door like a statue or a soldier who’d long before learned his place.

I smoothed down the dress before taking careful steps outside of the room, a cage meant for princesses. I bit back a nervous laugh as I padded down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I could Copyright 2016 - 2024