Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,64

we become.

Not killing Benny when we had the chance was a mistake. It was the first time Blade let his personal life dictate the club’s business. I get it. Eve’s his woman and Benny’s her brother, but now we’re dealing with his mess. Again, that unease fills me. I shake it aside, focusing on Benny.

He’s a greedy fuck. He should have taken all his money and whatever else he’s managed to steal and slunk away. But crazy people never do what they should do.

The room crackles with emotions. None of the guys want this. All of them are thinking about their families and lives.

It’s why Blade got out of selling drugs, slowly moving all of the businesses to legit, trying to get the club back to riding bikes and being a family. But we’re too rich and have too much power for that ever to truly happen.

Someone’s always gonna want to be the king, and either you kill or be killed.


The mental ability to command and outsmart your opponent. I love it, live by it.

But not tonight.

Tonight, I’ll give in to my obsession.

My cock is hard at the thought of her and I adjust myself. I need to get Antoinette, bring her home and fuck her, smoke some weed, and sleep for hours, in that order.

“I’m going home. Call if you need me.” I rise and grab my keys. David looks up from his phone and Blade turns away from the monitor.

“Wait, Axel, I need to talk to you for a second.” Blade takes a deep drag off the cigarette. “It’s about Antoinette.”

“Yeah?” My eyes narrow because I know what’s coming. I’ve felt it since I walked in here.

“We need to know what is going on.” His green eyes narrow on me. “The girls have gotten close to her. My wife is worried. They don’t want you hurting her.”

David puts down his phone and folds his arms to listen. His sanctimonious attitude makes me want to punch him. I guess he’s forgotten when I had to pick him off the floor because he was so high he was sleeping in his own piss.

“You’re kidding me.” I look at them both.

Edge is pacing in the corner on the phone, but it’s only a matter of time before he finds out. Frankly, I’m surprised no one has told him yet.

“Dolly. Hold on.” Edge brings the phone down from his ear. “What’s going on?”

His eyes swing around the room. “Babe, I have to go. I’ll tell you later.”

He pockets his phone and reaches for a cigarette. Taking a deep drag, he smiles, literally beams at me, reminding me of fucking Eve.

“What’s her name?”

“She’s a nobody,” I grumble. A pang of guilt and tightening in my chest make me add, “She’s a friend I’m helping out.”

David snorts and looks over at Edge. “Yep, she’s a friend of Axel’s. Who happens to be exquisite. And because Axel is so friendly, he carried her off the stage at the Pussycat. Moved her into his room and made my wife rearrange her waitstaff so Antoinette can work at the diner instead of stripping.” David stretches out his long legs and smirks at me.

“Wait.” Edge isn’t even trying to hide his aggravation as he grits out, “She’s a stripper?”

“Actually no. She’s a ballerina in need of cash,” David says. “Anyway, doesn’t matter because she never got to strip. Axel stormed the stage before any of us got to see anything.” He blows smoke rings at the ceiling.

“Fuck you, David. You can’t be serious.”

He arches a brow at me and grins at Edge who doesn’t seem able to contain himself.

“I can’t believe it. How? Why am I only now hearing about this?”

“Okay. We need to focus on club shit, not the fact that Axel has an old lady.” Blade holds up his hands.

“The fuck?” I look at him.

“Let’s get our shit together. We’re having Church tomorrow before the party. It will be short. My wife is excited to have Dolly back, and I think we all could let off some steam.” He takes a swig of Jack and sets the bottle down with a thud.

“Which brings me to Dolly. Is she okay for tomorrow?”

“She’s better now that we’ve been back a few days. We saw her OB yesterday. The baby is good. I’m not kidding—as soon as that plane took off, she was sick the entire time. Longest two weeks of my life.” He rubs the back of his neck.

If he didn’t look so beat up about it, I’d

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