Ignite (The Disciples #4) - Cassandra Robbins Page 0,63

He’s tall and handsome if you like blond Greek gods. I definitely can tell David is his cousin.

“So. Where are you from?”

As my mind races and I search for something to say, I blink at him. There’s no way I can tell him the truth, so I stay mute.

David, Charlie, and Eve pass by on their way to the living area, their voices breaking the silence. “Nothing? You’re from nowhere?” he sneers.

“New York,” I automatically respond.

He nods and waits for more while I stand there, saying nothing. His eyes take in my appearance, stopping to focus on my feet, which are always in first position.

“Look, I’m gonna be honest. Axel is my brother. I’ve known him for twenty years. Nothing would make me happier than for him to find someone. But a ballerina with no past who wanders into his strip club makes me pause. You understand?”

God, he makes me sound way more interesting than I am—also way more ominous.

“I’m a dancer who needed cash since my shitty ex-friend slash roommate fucked me over. I heard that exotic dancers make a lot of money and I needed cash fast, simple as that.” I raise my head, my eyes challenging him to say I’m lying. He doesn’t.

He doesn’t say anything. Only nods and picks up his phone and starts texting. I’m assuming that’s my cue to leave, and I have to fight the urge not to curtsey.

What is wrong with me? It has to be the margaritas. I turn and start toward the loud voices, knowing that all this is truly happening. It’s not a movie. I’m getting in deep, but the thought of getting out is not an option because I want Axel badly.


I’m back. Unfortunately, not in my room fucking Antoinette. No, I’m standing with a bottle of Jack Daniels looking at a bunch of monitors, listening to Frosty drone on and on.

I take a swig, hoping it’ll help. Blade woke me at 5:00 a.m. to inform me the security system at Edge’s club, the Dolly, was taken out last night. My clothes were still on and a burned-out cigarette was in my hand.

“So, once again, we have no proof that these are the same assholes.” Frosty swivels in his chair to look at Edge and me.

“Christ, Frosty.” Taking another swig of Jack, I pass it to Edge.

“No, I need to stay sharp in case Dolly needs me.” He looks worried. I can’t tell if it’s because someone tampered with the security at his club, or that his wife Dolly is five months pregnant and her emotions are all over the place. Which sucks for Edge since Dolly is already drama.

Someone bangs on the door and we turn to see Blade and David through the camera. Edge buzzes them in.

Blade snarls and I hand him the bottle of Jack. “I’m two seconds from losing my shit, Frosty.” He turns to him as he brings the bottle to his lips. “I need you to tell me you know who’s fucking with us.”

Frosty rubs his hands up and down his face, looking like shit. He probably hasn’t slept yet since he usually stays up all night, and we needed him in the daytime to handle this mess. “I don’t. But I do think it’s the same guys.” He drops his hands and sighs as he turns to queue up the footage again.

I throw myself into a chair and prop my feet on the black conference table. “Blade, it’s Benny. It has to be. Quite frankly, I think he’s in with the Russians.” I look at him as he takes another swig and reaches for my pack of cigarettes.

“I was up until one a.m. with Bullseye and it’s not coming from them.” I lean my head back and close my tired eyes for a second. The exhaust and dirt from the road and smoking my mind stupid last night are all catching up. Big violet eyes blink at me.

What the fuck?

I sit up, making an instant decision.

After all this settles, I’m getting her a studio. I’ll stop by to fuck her when I feel like it. But we’re not living together. She gets free rent and I get her.

I reach for the pack, which Blade tossed back on the table, and watch all my brothers. They’re worried. I tried to warn them we needed to be on this. I’ve been saying for years we’re getting soft in our old age. The more money we get, the more kids we have, the weaker

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