Before I Let You In - Jenny Blackhurst Page 0,92

all about him, and thankfully Noah had stayed quiet and content in his rocker so they could give their elder son all their attention. Adam had even got up early and made them a delicious cooked breakfast. Everything about the morning had been perfect, thanks to their ability to still function as a family unit despite how exhausted and run-down they all were.

Retrieving the card from the top of her wardrobe, she held it up to the light, wondering what was inside. Knowing Karen, something ridiculously thoughtful that cost the earth and that Toby would be delighted with.

Eleanor’s heart felt heavy when she thought of her friend. How could she bear to be with Michael knowing she was tearing a family apart? She had always thought of Karen as someone to look up to, the epitome of all that was good. Now that had been ruined by the lies she’d told them. Eleanor knew why she hadn’t been truthful with them: there was no way she would have accepted her friend’s relationship if she’d known that he had a wife and three kids at home, but at least she would have had a decision to make. This way, the last two years of their friendship she felt like Karen had been laughing at her and Bea’s stupidity, at how gullible they were. No wonder Karen had never pushed the issue of having children; men didn’t plan families with the other woman.

‘Here,’ she said, handing Toby the envelope. She might be livid at her friend, but she wouldn’t deny Toby his gift. He turned it over in his hands as if he could figure out what was inside by the weight of it. Then he put his thumb under the flap, tore it open and pulled the card out. On the front was a mock-up of a newspaper with a picture of Toby in the middle and the headline ‘Toby Whitney signs for Manchester United on his ninth birthday!’

‘Cool card,’ he grinned, opening it up and looking confused. ‘There’s nothing in it.’

‘That’s strange,’ Eleanor replied, thinking of Karen’s words when she’d handed her the card. There’s a little surprise in there for the birthday boy.

‘Just this letter.’ He frowned and started reading. When he hadn’t spoken for a minute and the frown hadn’t relaxed, Adam tried to peer around his arm, but the boy blocked him.

‘What does it say, Tobes? Is it a riddle? Maybe you’ve got to solve it to guess your present.’

Toby was still frowning, his mouth moving wordlessly as he read, struggling to make sense of what he was seeing.

‘I don’t know what it means, Dad. Is Auntie Karen tricking me?’

‘Give it here, Toby,’ Eleanor said suddenly, her voice sharp. The mood in the room had changed dramatically in the last few minutes. Toby’s face was screwed up and there was tension in his shoulders, and when she tried to take the card, he pulled it away. ‘I said give it to me.’

Toby stood up, knocking the iPad off the arm of the chair and on to the floor. ‘Why is she saying these things?’ he demanded, thrusting the card at Adam. ‘What does she mean? Is it supposed to be funny? I don’t get it.’

Eleanor watched as Adam scanned the words in the card, his jaw tightening with every line.

‘Toby, take your new things up to your room. Your mum and I need to talk.’

‘No! I want to know why Karen wrote that letter – is it true?’

‘Of course it’s not true.’ Adam handed the card to Eleanor, his face grey with shock. ‘I don’t know what kind of trick Auntie Karen is playing, but it’s not a very funny one and we’ll talk to her about it. Now please take your things upstairs and get ready to go. We’re off to Frankie and Benny’s for lunch.’

‘Oh yeah!’ Toby ran upstairs and Eleanor sat down on the sofa, opened the card and began to read what was written inside.

Dear Toby,

Happy birthday! I can’t believe how old you are now, and how grown up you’ve become over the last few years. I’m certain you’re old enough to understand what I have to tell you, which is why I’ve waited until now to say it.

Toby, your mum and dad love you very much, and what you’re about to read doesn’t change that fact. It doesn’t change the fact that your mum held your hand while you were sick into a bucket for three days when you were just four, Copyright 2016 - 2024