I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,84

you seem closer to him.”

I nodded.

Zane kissed my cheek. “You’ve got this, Princess.”

Hoping his confidence wasn’t misplaced; I smoothed my skirt for the hundredth time.

“Looking lovely, Mrs. Marshall,” Logan affirmed, as he appeared by my side. I jumped, still not used to people appearing from nowhere, and calling me Mrs. Marshall.

Logan summarized what I already knew too well. “Remember, three of the elders will have their dogs. One German Shepherd, a Lab, and a feisty young Doberman.”

Zane had located the canine companions’ photos for me to “study.” I’d never liked Dobermans. I was almost certain the dog that had sent me flying into the swimming pool, close to a decade ago, had been part dobby. I wasn’t ready to forgive the breed for its indiscretion.

“Ready?” Zane asked.

I managed a smile.

Logan entered the room like a Greek god striding into his celestial palace. I envied his distinguished composure.

The men in the room hurried to take their seats. Their reverence for the Pack Leader was evident. One man, his skin tanned and wrinkled like a well-worn hide, seemed unimpressed by Logan Sanders. I made a note to keep an eye on him.

“Here Boss!” the same man commanded while taking his seat at the far table’s far end.

I jerked back, when the largest Doberman I’d ever seen, trotted to his master’s side. The man flipped his grey-streaked ponytail over his shoulder and turned his piercing gaze on me. I felt like I was standing on a stage under the glare of a spotlight.

The remaining men, and one lone woman, had taken their seats during the few short minutes I’d been occupied by the ancient Indian and his ferocious hound.

Logan had referred to the beast as feisty. Feisty described Terrier pups, not this sleek, black, terror of a dog. I realized then that everyone was watching me expectantly. Talk about making a scene. Wanting to bolt from the room, I did the opposite and stepped toward an open chair next to Logan.

When people talk about things happening in threes, they’re right. One: mean man and vicious dog staring me down. Two: table of strangers watching me with eerily chilly expressions. Three: I trip over nothing, and in what feels like slow motion, tumble toward what I somehow notice is plush, mauve carpeting. I hope it’s as soft and springy as it looks. I hear several gasps before two super-sized hands drag me to my feet.

“Uh, thank you.” I try to smile like nothing happened and find myself looking up at the leathery face from the end of the table. “You …?”

“There now,” he soothed like the parent of a frightened toddler. “Are you all right all right?”

I allowed him to settle me into an expensive, high-backed chair. I was so far from feeling all right responding would have been blasphemous.

He patted my shoulder and returned to his end-of-the-table seat where his dog posed like a regal warrior.

Logan began, his voice firm and steady. “I guess this would be a good time to introduce my newest administrative assistant, Cassandra Carpenter.”

Still dazed, it took me another endless minute to realize I was Cassandra Carpenter. We’d altered my name just enough to keep anyone from putting together my true identity. “Hi?” I gave an awkward parade wave.

“Welcome,” several voices chorused.

“Glad you could join us,” the other woman said. Some nodded. A few smirked — so much for instant acceptance.

Unable to leave them with such a horrible first impression, I decided to make my own mini-speech. Something I’d later regret like everything else about the meeting.

“That’s me, Cassandra Carpenter. Please forgive my grand entrance.”

That earned a few strained chuckles.

“I’ll be taking notes and just want to thank you all for welcoming me into your group.” I took my seat again in what I hoped was a demure fashion.

Looking to Zane for approval, I noted instead he appeared both puzzled and perplexed. Chloe, Princess, do you think you could draw any more attention to yourself? Check your recorder and get your notepad. He quickly looked away, but not before my latest savior noticed our discreet interaction.

What was with this guy? Friend or foe?

I organized myself while the board members took ten minutes to “check in”. According to Logan, he was practicing a new ice breaker to loosen things up.

For my benefit, everyone introduced themselves and gave me the opportunity to jot down their names. I drew a makeshift table and put the names in their proper order around the oblong shape, trusting this extra attention to detail would benefit

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