I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,83

Valamir had been blocked from entering The Crab Cove without my invitation, but had slipped into my room unhindered.

According to Alcuin, because Valamir had fed on my blood, he’d been granted certain rights when it came to me. In short, wherever I was he could enter — with one exception — a strong ward. The Crab Cove had been magically warded against uninvited, supernatural visitors, making entry for him impossible. Under normal circumstances, vampires could enter public buildings even if people dwelled there. The locations requiring a personal invite were private residences.

I realized then that Zane was staring at me with one eyebrow arched.

“I did that drifting off thing, didn’t I?” I shrugged.

“I get it. You’re stressed. Did you still want me to answer your question?”

I couldn’t even remember what I’d asked him. Not good. If I wasn’t careful, he’d figure out that I had more than information overload going on in my head. My husband was no dummy, and he’d gotten to know me faster than anyone else. I’d never felt so many emotions in relation to any one person.

“What are you thinking?” He gave me a longing look. “Tell me it’s good.”

I was amazed how in an instance we’d gone from a simple conversation to one charged with heated energy. “It’s very good.”

Watching him watch me in the mirror suddenly seemed very sensuous. I looked so prim and proper in my current attire. He looked all man. No. That wasn’t quite true. His eyes were changing to the golden hue I loved so much. The color signaled that his libido had kicked into overdrive.

“How much time do we have?” I asked.

He leaned down and kissed my neck. “Not enough for what I want to do to you.”

I shivered at the thought, realizing right then, without doubt, Zane was the flavor I liked best. He didn’t need any mind-magic to melt me like butter. He was warm, funny, sumptuous, powerful, and very much alive ¯ nothing undead about Zane.

“That’s disappointing,” I pouted. “By the way, I was thinking that you are one of a kind, my kind of guy.” It wasn’t until after I’d spoken that I realized just how corny I sounded.

Much to my relief, Zane seemed to find my comments endearing and rewarded me with a big grin. “I love it when you call me your guy.”

“Go on. Get ready. I don’t want to mess up my hair anyway.” I regretfully shooed him away.

“Good point, Mrs. Marshall. Good point.”

I was tempted to follow him into the shower, but refrained. We’d have time to enjoy each other later — that is if he still wanted me after uncovering all my secrets.

Chapter 3019

The one benefit to the packed space was my ultra-close proximity to Zane.

With my back pressed firmly against his front, and his hands deviously teasing my fanny, I was in elevator heaven.

A woman leered at us through wired spectacles. She was focused on where his unseen hands were busily hiding. I decided to ignore her sardonic smile. She was probably just jealous. What woman wouldn’t be?

A man like Zane did more than attract attention. He demanded it. His artful caresses were demanding a response that I was unable to give. Had I responded with the level of passion I was forcing myself to ignore, Miss Nosy would have gotten an eyeful.

Not a moment too soon, the doors slid open revealing a long hallway on the tenth floor. The hotel housed its conference rooms on the upper levels. Our meeting was in the Mystic Mountain Suite. How appropriate. My life was about as mystical as one could be.

We exited into the hall leaving our snooty spectator behind. In less than ten steps, we were facing the only thing between me and a group of potentially adversarial board members. Muffled male voices drifted from behind the closed door, marked with a gold plaque. My stomach clenched, sending a swirl of butterflies through my midsection.

“Use our silent communi …” Zane started.

Well aware of what he was advising, I cut him off. “I know. And the recorder.” I pushed the elevated button on my new spy device. The minuscule recorder was secure, tucked in my purse’s outside pocket. “I need to count and take deep breaths.” I prepared to employ my usual calm-down-routine.

Zane instructed with patience, “You need to look at me.”

I glanced up. He gave me a look filled with unspoken confidence and admiration. “You’ll do great. Once Logan arrives, we’ll go in. He’ll introduce you. It’ll look better if

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