I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,74

cloaked man.

So many questions remained unanswered.

Lucky for me, one key question had been answered affirmatively, by Luke.

I’d asked him to accompany me to the bathroom while the others had bound and blindfolded the mutant captives. After a ton of pleading and a few forced tears, I’d convinced him to cover for me Monday night, when I made my escape up north. I didn’t have a ton of confidence in our plan, but I couldn’t think of anything better.

Once back at Zane’s, I escaped into the bedroom, away from the men. There I let my tears flow. Sure, I’d acted all brave when necessary, but now, all I wanted was a hot shower, a warm bed, and at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Tomorrow was Sunday, the one day my parents had allowed me to sleep in growing up. They pointed to the fact that God commanded a day of rest after six days of hard work. This was one of God’s commandments I was more than happy to abide by.

Thirty minutes later, comfy at last in my pajamas, my teeth brushed, and my hair still damp, I crawled into the bed I would share with Zane until we found a new, more permanent home. We hadn’t discussed it, but I didn’t see any point in moving until the current mess was resolved.

I was painfully aware of the late hour. Almost three in the morning and the men were out in the pole barn. Doing whatever they did to captured enemies. Exhausted, but too jittery to sleep, I let my mind reach out.

I could sense four of them. Alcuin didn’t come up on my radar like the others. I could tell he was there, but no matter how hard I knocked, the door to his mind wouldn’t crack. I blamed that little problem on his non-animal status. Undead beings didn’t register right, unlike humans, who still remained immune to my talents.

Zane and Mack were closed off, but Stryder was wide open, welcome mat out. I slipped right in and took my place in the front row of his mind. He was tense, refusing to answer Zane’s questions. Like so many others, he’d been misled to believe Zane was responsible for the murders, with help from me, of course.

“What about Jazmine?” Zane pressed.

“I told you, I don’t know any Jazmine. Man, when will you get it?” Stryder was exhausted, near collapsing. I could feel his twitching muscles and racing heart.

“Why were you at Miles McMcray’s trailer? What were you looking for?”

“Just kill me. We’re all going to die anyway.”

No you’re not! None of us will die, dammit! I screeched into Stryder’s mind.

“Who said that?” Stryder’s eyes darted sideways searching for the source.

“Said what?” Mack asked.

It’s me, Chloe, the one who knows your name. Stay with us. Work with us. I know you’re not happy with your job.

“Chloe?” Stryder said, his confusion evident.

Zane leapt on the mutant, pinning him to the ground. “What about my mate?” He grasped Stryder’s shoulders, shaking him violently.

You stop it right now! I mind-shouted at Zane. He stopped and glanced around, self-conscious.

“Accept my apology. I guess my girl was chatting you up.” He pulled Stryder to his feet.

“Isn’t she the one who talks to ani … oh, I get it.”

They all chuckled. The animal part must have hit home — hard.

“I guess I’m the one acting like a damn rabid animal.” Zane sounded repentant. “What was her great idea?”

“She wants us to work together.” Stryder shrugged.

“Chloe …!” Zane roared my name loud enough to be heard on the moon.

I yanked the covers over my head and waited.


Chapter 27

Teeth nibbling on my right ear pulled me from the thickness of sleep.

I stayed quiet, keeping my breathing slow and steady. I wanted to keep my now-awake status concealed from Zane so I could enjoy the tempting tortures he’d use to rouse, or, more accurately, arouse me.

The room was bright. Even with my eyes closed, I could detect a sunny Sunday morning … or afternoon. I had no idea how long we’d slept.

Following last night’s argument about whether or not to form a truce with our mutant prisoners, we’d fallen, mid-sentence, into an all-encompassing and much overdue state of deep sleep. Sex had been the furthest thing from both of our minds, but now, with Zane’s tongue winding leisurely down my neck, I felt pretty willing to reestablish our wedding night bliss, the bliss that I’d missed out on the first time around.

Zane nuzzled my neck and nipped at my ear.

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