I Kissed a Dog - By Carol van Atta Page 0,73


I scanned the mammoth beast, noting his fur was luscious and well-groomed, unlike his counterpart. There was something regal about him. He didn’t seem as feral, although I had no doubt he’d kill me with one swipe of his massive claw.

“I’ve seen more of you than you can imagine,” I taunted, remembering the ride I’d hitched in his mind. I realized, too late, how presumptuous I probably sounded.

It also occurred to me Alcuin had been on his way to Miles McCray’s trailer in search of a coin. I wanted to ask Stryder if he’d seen anything, but held back. Mentioning the vampire would be like showing my hand during a high stakes poker game — way too much information.

Leisurely, Stryder circled me, his snout twitching. He moved to stand by his subordinate who looked more wretched next to the large more refined mutant.

“Forgive me. I didn’t mean to be so rude.” I faced the deadly duo.

“I will ask again, human, how do you know my name?”

Not sure how to answer without giving away the extent of my telepathic gift, I kept it simple. “I overheard you talking at Miles’ trailer. I also heard you get angry at your annoying superior.”

“What else did you hear?”

“I know about your mistress …”

“You will not speak of her!” Stryder bellowed, lurching forward.

I took a swift step back, keeping my eyes trained on him.

“Chloe! Don’t move!” Luke shouted, appearing to my right.

Bad timing. A human male was bound to incite the fury of our furry guests.

Glancing at the mutants, I muttered, “Wouldn’t think of moving.”

“Don’t come near her!” Luke commanded over my shoulder. He slid a protective arm around my waist.

Unbelievably, the mutants stepped back, glancing anxiously around the courtyard. I felt Luke stand taller beside me. Styder stepped to the left. The other creature whimpered. Now he sounded as bad as he looked. Again, I felt a twinge of pity for the forlorn man-beast.

“Keep moving. Away from the door.” The one person I’d grown to love and count on demanded. “That’s right, Stryder. Your flunkies took off. You and Mr. Tangles are it,” Zane added. Princess, sorry I took so long.

I thought you’d forgotten me, I scolded mentally.

It was then I understood why the mutants were intimidated. So much for Luke’s temporary claim to fame; it had been all about Zane. My boss’ shoulders slumped as he realized his mistake.

Chloe, you’re unforgettable. Zane maneuvered closer and pulled me to him, disengaging Luke’s arm.

To my relief, Alcuin, back at last, joined Mack and Michael who’d emerged from the shadows, forming a tight triangle around our enemies.

Stryder, though outnumbered, maintained his composure. There was something about the mutant that intrigued me. Maybe it was because I knew he was disgruntled with his leadership. And perhaps he could be persuaded to change sides. It happened in the movies and politics all the time.

“You two have a choice to make,” Zane said to the captives. “We dispose of you right here right now, or, you accompany us blindfolded, back to my residence, where we have a nice secluded spot for you to think about your next step.”

“Go on,” Stryder said.

“The way I see it, you have two options. Die for your cause or live for ours.”

Stryder looked over our little team, allowing his gaze to rest on each member. It took him a few seconds to ask, “Where’s the blindfold?”

With Alcuin’s assistance, Zane managed to convince Luke they would handle the intruders. The vampire used some of his nifty mind-magic to make Luke more pliable, ensuring he wouldn’t decide to call the police the minute we left him alone. As final insurance, he erased Luke’s memories of the wolfy creatures, making certain he remembered them as mischievous men only.

Michael was settled back in his security post when we finally drove off. Alciun had teleported Mack and our two semi-willing prisoners back to home base.

I still had no clue who or what Michael had been pursuing. Now I’d have to wait even longer for his update. At least he was safe at work as if nothing happened.

Alcuin had some explaining to do as well. All I’d been able to garner was that he’d failed to find the coin.

This revelation had surprised us all considering his ability to zap himself from one location to another. His lack of success wasn’t something I’d expected. Maybe Stryder and his gang had found it first. At least we had three of the coins in our possession. Thanks to the help from the ugly

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