I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,43

to a shooting range so I’d know how to protect myself if anything happened to you.”

His mouth opened like he had something to say before slamming shut.

“And if we’re being honest with each other, every time a girl looks at you, I want to shout from the rooftops that you sleep in my room so they’ll stop looking.”

The corners of his lips twitched.

“Every time you’re around, I feel this pull to you that I’ve never felt before,” I continued. “And I’ve tried to tell myself it wasn’t real because you and I can’t seem to get along for more than a few minutes at a time, but it is real, and I think you feel it too.”

He didn’t say anything, but the crinkle in his eyes told me he did.

“I’ve wanted you to kiss me since we ran into each other outside the men’s room in the club, Tristan. So, freaking kiss me.”

He smirked and I wanted to kiss it right off his face.

My hands slipped over his shoulders and to the back of his head. I ran my fingers through his hair, drawing his mouth to mine. He wasn’t some unwilling participant. He kissed me back with the passion of every truth he’d admitted to me. My heart was light and my body quivered with need for him. I yearned to be closer. Yearned to feel every inch of him. I arched into him, and his erection pressed between my thighs. I couldn’t stop myself from grinding against him as I kissed him with everything I had. Things were escalating, but I was not going to be the one to stop it—nor did I want to. But all too soon, Tristan pulled away. With both of us breathless, he shifted me off his lap and stood.

My pulse pounded in my temples. Was he having regrets? Was he leaving? I waited, willing him not to bolt again.

He didn’t. He moved to the corner of my room, reached up to the camera, and pointed it up toward the ceiling. He spun back to face me sporting a sly grin. “Now. Where were we?” He sat down, and shifted me back onto his lap. His hands slipped to my back and under my tank top. I didn’t have a bra on, so his big hands coasted over my skin as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. His fingertips left a trail of numbness in their wake and I tried committing every glorious touch to memory, wanting to remember the moment Tristan admitted he wanted me.

I normally wasn’t so forward. So willing to shed my clothes. So desperate to be in someone’s arms. But Tristan brought it out of me. I lifted my arms, and he pulled the hem right up and over my head, tossing it to the floor. I didn’t have time to feel embarrassed by my nakedness. He leaned forward and flicked his tongue over my nipple. I closed my eyes, arching forward, unable to believe this was happening. Unable to believe Tristan was the one making my body feel alive. He moved to my other nipple and did the same.

“Tristan,” I whispered as my head dropped back, relishing in the sensations.


“Don’t stop.”

The raspy sound of his laughter disappeared once he sucked my nipple into his mouth. Tremors erupted between my legs as I braced my hands on his shoulders. He flicked his tongue again, biting down gently. I gasped. I could almost feel him smile against me before he tempered the sting with delicious swirls of his tongue.

He pulled back and peeled his shirt off. Underneath he was wearing a wife beater with holster vest over it. He unhooked the vest and placed it on my desk. Then he tugged off the wife beater.

I drank him in, all ripped and perfect. My hands drifted slowly over his chest, memorizing every dip and ridge before settling over his heart. His heartbeat drummed a steady rhythm beneath my palm.

“I want to feel you,” he said, pulling my attention to his hungry eyes. “All of you.”

I nodded, unable to tear my eyes from his.

He stood up while still holding me and turned, lowering me down onto the bed. He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them and his boxers down, stepping out of them as I stared at him naked in front of me. His erection stood tall and thick. I’d been with guys before. But having Tristan naked in front of me was something else entirely. He was built

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