I Just Need You - J. Nathan Page 0,42

were soft on my skin as his eyes gazed down into mine.

“It was a request,” I explained, my voice shaking with the sudden nerves overtaking my body. “And you said requests don’t need to be—”

His lips crashed down on mine. His tongue pushed inside my mouth, not waiting to request access. I opened for him and his lips devoured mine in a frenzied race. The slide of his tongue sent my belly flipping over itself. Holy shit. Tristan was kissing me! My arms snaked over his shoulder as my heartbeat thrashed against my chest. My fingers tunneled through the back of his hair, pulling him closer. Now that I’d had a taste, I wasn’t letting him go. I whimpered as I arched into him, my breasts pressing to his hard chest as he consumed every inch of my mouth. Our lips moved in sync, everything feeling so right. He was no boy struggling through a first kiss. He was a man taking what he wanted.

But all too soon, he pulled back.

Our chests heaved in tandem as we stared across the space between us. Oh. My. God.

“Happy birthday,” Tristan said, before stepping around me and reaching for the doorknob.

I moved to the side, blocking his way, quite reminiscent of our first encounter. “You’re kidding me, right?”


“You’re leaving?”

He said nothing, just stared at me.

“Let me guess. You’re trying to convince yourself that you were just doing what I asked.”

He shrugged, noncommittal.


Darkness flashed in his expression. “Is this really what you wanna do right now? You wanna pick a fight with me?”

I threw my hands out to my sides. “You started it the minute you tried to play it off as if you were just doing me some kind of favor and not what you wanted to do.”

His eyes lifted to the ceiling as he dragged in a deep breath. “Whatever.”

“Be honest, Tristan. Up until now, you were the only person who has been.”

He cursed under his breath. “What do you wanna hear?”

“Oh, I don’t know. The truth?”

A humorless laugh escaped him. “Right.”

“What?” I persisted.

He shook his head, his exasperation palpable.

My heart wilted, hating the sudden turn of events. He just kissed me like he needed me in order to breathe, and now we were fighting. Par for the course with us.

“This is so fucked up,” he murmured.

“What is?”

He stared at me, looking as though he was trying to convey so many thoughts with a single look. “Us.”

The words tumbled out before I could stop them. “There’s an us?”

He tunneled his fingers through his hair, ready to bolt from my room.

“You need to talk to me.”

“What do you wanna hear? That I can’t stop thinking about you even when I’m with you?” he asked.

His words punched the air right out of my lungs.

“That I can’t fucking wait to come to your room every night even though I shouldn’t be in here because I love watching you sleep?”

I stood dumbfounded as butterflies swarmed in my belly.

“That I wanna punch the shit outta Chris and anyone else who tries to get close to you because, by God, I can’t be held responsible for my actions?”

I swallowed around the large lump that shot to my throat.

“Or, that it scares the hell out of me that people are out there who want to get to you?”

The ground beneath my feet shifted, both terrified by what he’d said but so damn happy that he’d said it. “I thought you hated me.”

“I hated the way that you were working your way in here.” He placed his hand over his chest. “And it’s insane because there’s absolutely no way this can work.”

I ignored his words and stepped to him, slipping my hands around the back of his neck. “Shut up, Tristan.” I drew his mouth to mine and our lips collided. I wasn’t letting him push me away. I walked forward causing him to back up until his legs hit my bed. I pulled out of the kiss and pressed my palms to his chest, forcing him down onto my bed. He sat, waiting for my next move. I climbed onto his lap and cupped his cheeks. “You make me feel safe, Tristan.”

His eyes drifted shut, as if pained by my words.

“You sat outside my room because you knew I needed you to.”

He opened his eyes and looked into mine.

“Then, you stayed in here because you knew I wasn’t sleeping and your presence soothed me when nothing else in this world could.”

His lips twisted, my candor unnerving him.

“You took me

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