Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,47

our dinner. Tennessee may not have wanted to admit that she wanted Italian, but the way her eyes lit up when I offered to order some, told me everything that I needed to know.

Answering the door, I tip the driver and take the bags from his hand with a thanks. Closing the door behind me, I flip the deadbolt and head toward the small table. It’s only a four-seat table and chairs, but it’s just enough for the three of us.

Tennessee is setting the table with two ceramic plates and a plastic one for Holden. She’s stripped his shirt off and he’s sitting with his little fork in his hand, ready to eat. I watch as he licks his lips as he looks at the bag, then lifts his green eyes up to meet my own.

“Meatballs. Bread.”

His words are simple, and I feel the same way. Meatballs and bread are the best. Tennessee tries to hide her smile as she scolds him to use the words please and thank you. If he could roll his eyes, I think that he just might, but he doesn’t. Instead he says pwease.

Tennessee helps me unbag the items and then she puts three meatballs on his plate, cutting them into pieces before she takes some of the fresh soft bread and tears that into chunks and places them on his plate as well, adding a little marinara sauce to the side.

“He doesn’t like his food to mix. I can’t even get mad, because I’m the same way,” she announces.

Smiling, I watch as she makes her plate. She ordered lasagna for herself, with a side salad. Food. Who would have thought that watching a woman eat would give me pleasure? But it does. I don’t think I have seen Susan consume an actual meal since Lucinda was born.

I ordered myself penne pasta with a garlic olive oil pesto and grilled chicken breast. It’s boring, I know. Once we’re all settled, we start to dig in. Holden asks for more meatballs and Tennessee gives him one more. It seems to be exactly what he wanted because as soon as he finishes, he asks for milk.

Tennessee starts to stand, but I hold up my hand and rise to my feet. I get him a small plastic cup of milk and bring it back, then return to my seat.

“I don’t know how I’m going to repay you for today,” Tennessee says after a long moment of silence.

“Repay me?” I ask.

She nods her head, taking a bite of her lasagna. I watch as she chews, then swallows the food. I can’t help but imagine if she would swallow me, too? Would her throat work my cum down the same way she’s doing with her food? I’ll just have to imagine because I’m pretty sure I can’t think of an angle where I could actually see that.

“For everything you’ve done today. I don’t know how you knew that we needed you, but you did, and you took care of us both.”

Reaching across the table, I cover her hand with my own. “I don’t know. I just needed to see you. Then when Holden answered, I knew something was wrong. I’m here for you, always, if you need me, Tennessee. All you have to do is call me.”

“Are you?” she asks softly.

I hum. “Yeah, I am. It’s hypocritical of me considering my situation. You said you didn’t want to date a married man. I shouldn’t be pursuing you because of my marital status, but I can’t help myself. I can’t stop myself, no matter how many times I have tried.”

“And you have, tried, that is?” she asks.

I let out a humorless laugh. “More often than you know. Every second of every day around you is a testament to my willpower.”

She hums, lifting her glass of water to her lips and taking a drink. I try not to watch how it travels down her throat, but I fail, once again. She sets the glass down, then turns to Holden and wipes his face and hands with a napkin.

“Go ahead and play with your cars for just a minute before bath time, okay?”

“Yay,” Holden cheers as he scrambles down and runs off to the living room that is only a few feet away.

“You’re not a hypocrite, Landry,” she announces.

I snort. “Yeah, I am. The whole reason I left my wife is because I couldn’t handle her blatant cheating. I was with people discretely here and there. One-night stands when I had to go

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