Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,125


“Okay. Hurry.”

There’s something about hearing your daughter cry, your only daughter, that just tears your heart into a million pieces. There’s nothing that I can do to help her, not from where I am. Even if I could jump on a plane right this second, I don’t know that I could leave Tennessee. I feel fucking torn. I’ve never been in a situation like this before.

I don’t go back inside, instead, I find Laurent’s name on my phone and call him. I tell him everything that Lucinda described. He lets out a yell that also breaks my fucking heart.

“I’ll kill that fucker,” he growls.

“You need to stay out of jail, so you won’t. But you will have Bash with you and ensure that the police take as much evidence as possible so that we can destroy him.”

Laurent lets out a snort. “I want to punch him in the face.”

“Me too,” I confess. “But I learned a long time ago that physically hurting someone is only momentarily satisfying. But destroying them financially and possibly jail time lets you sleep with a smile on your face as they pay the price.”

“You’re cold.” Laurent chuckles. “I like it.”

He asks me about the situation with Susan and I tell him that we don’t know much yet, but hopefully we’ll get some answers tomorrow. He promises to call me as soon as he gets to Lucinda, then he ends the call.

I stay out in the warmth as the sun begins to dip down as the sky turns from day to evening. I don’t know what to do. All I want is to be with Lucinda, and with Tennessee, simultaneously. I’ve never felt this torn in my entire life.

“Landry?” a soft voice calls out.

Turning around, I’m surprised to see her standing on the balcony, the door closed behind her, wearing nothing but one of my long T-shirts.

“I forgot pajamas,” she says with a small smile.

I don’t return her smile. I don’t know how to feel right now. I’m a little lost and I’ve never felt this way before. This is all so new and I’m afraid I’m going to fuck it all up either with her or Lucinda.

“You came out here a while ago. I left you alone, but tell me, Landry. What’s happened?”

Clearing my throat, I lean back against the railing of the balcony as I watch her. She’s unsure and I don’t blame her. Fuck, I’m unsure myself.

“Something happened,” I begin.


Landry tells me about Lucinda. My heart aches for what she must be going through right now. I hesitantly take a step toward him, then another. He’s torn about whether to stay or leave and be with her. I don’t blame him at all. I would feel the exact same way.

“Go to her, Landry.”

His gaze lifts to mine, his eyes are full of pain and he shakes his head once. “I can’t,” he rasps.

“Yes, you can. She’s your daughter. She needs you.”

He clears his throat, taking a step toward me, then another. His hands encircle my waist and he roughly pulls me against his chest. He dips his chin, those amber-colored eyes that adore, they’re still gorgeous even when they’re obviously pained.

I feel his lips brush mine, they rest against my own before he speaks. “No, honey. I can’t. My place is with you. Lucinda is my daughter, if I were in Texas, I would be there. But you need me, too. Laurent and Lawrence are there, along with the police.”

He lifts his head, though continues to look down at me. I press my lips together as I watch him for a moment. I love that I’m his priority, but I can’t allow it. Not in this moment.

“Landry, rent a car. Go to her. It’s only a four-hour drive. She needs her father. I don’t know what it’s like to have a father, but the only person I wanted was my mother when Aaron did what he did to me, she would have come had I asked, but I didn’t ask. I should have.”

I don’t tell him that Lucinda has already suffered at the hands of a man before, similar to the way that I did. She doesn’t need more abuse thrown at her and she doesn’t deserve this.

“I can’t,” he grits out.

Shaking my head, I lift my hand and cup his soft bearded cheek. “You can, and I know that you want to. Go to her. I’ll be here when you come back. Holden and I will be right here. Hansen is with

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