Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,124

something is going to happen, it’s going to be huge, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be a terrible outcome or not. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to any of it. What we find out tomorrow could change our lives forever, especially Tennessee and Holden’s.

“I’m worried,” she admits.

She doesn’t need to say it, but she does. Nodding my head once, I walk over to her and lift Holden from her arms. “Let’s watch a movie, unless you want to go somewhere?”

Tennessee looks at Holden, then up at me. “A movie, I think,” she rasps.

Clearing my throat, I make my way over to the living room section of the room. There is a sofa and two chairs facing a television console area. Tennessee sits down first, I lean over and place Holden back in her arms. She smiles up at me, then arranges his head on one of the pillows that she’s placed on her lap.

Finding the remote control, I find a cartoon movie, just in case he wakes up, and sink down on the sofa next to her. Lifting my arm, I wrap it around her back, curling my fingers around her shoulder.

She leans to the side, her head resting against me as she watches the movie, all three of us in complete silence. Then, I hear her speak, her voice is barely above a whisper when she does and I almost don’t hear her.

“If Danny has had my mother for days, because of Susan. I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself around her.”

I let out a grunt. “I don’t think I will either.”

“Would she even get in trouble? If there’s no money trail, it would be Danny against her, and she’s got money for attorneys.”

I hum, using my fingertips to make small circles against her bicep. “I do too, honey. Don’t underestimate me.”

She looks up at me, her lips curved up into a small smile. “I never have, Landry. Maybe I’ve been a little worried about your plans a time or two, but underestimate? Never.”

I let out a grunt. “Another reason to love you, honey.”

Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to hers in a gentle kiss. She doesn’t say anything else and neither do I. Frankly, I’m lost in thought. I can’t stop thinking about what-ifs and what the situation means for the future, for hers, for Holden’s, for ours.

I’m not so selfless that I haven’t been thinking about our future and how all of this could play out with that. She’s made it very clear that she doesn’t want to have children or get married until her mother is safe. Call me an asshole, but I want a future with her and I want it now.

My phone rings in my pocket and I frown, excusing myself as I stand and walk away from her and a sleeping Holden. I don’t go far, just out to the balcony of the hotel suite. “Hello?”


The phone crackles a bit and I frown. “Lucinda?”

My heart starts racing. Something is really fucking wrong. “Lucinda,” I snap.

“Something’s happened,” she whimpers.

“Talk to me right now,” I demand.

There’s another moment of silence, then I hear her sniffle. “He’s hurt me, Daddy.”

I open my mouth to ask her who, but she starts to talk and although I can only make out a few words, my heart sinks right before my blood starts rushing throughout my entire body. Pinching my eyes closed, I inhale a deep breath and try to let it out slowly.

“I didn’t think. I mean, he’s my boss. I never thought…”

“Lucinda,” I snap again on a whisper.

“He hit me. I told him no and he hit me. Then he slammed me against the wall and put his forearm against my neck. What do I do?”

Turning my head, I look back at Tennessee. I can only see the back of her head, she’s watching whatever cartoon I put on for Holden and a thought flashes through my head. If I wasn’t here for her shit, I could be closer to Lucinda and help her right now. I shake my head, trying to physically remove the thought.

“Call Laurent, Lawrence, and the police.”

“Where are you?” she whimpers.

I close my eyes and let out a whoosh of air. “I’m in Oklahoma. I’ll be home soon, but I’m going to be here at least until tomorrow evening.”

She doesn’t say anything right away, then whispers that she’ll call Laurent. “Call the police first, Lucy. I’ll come back to you as soon as I can,” I

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