How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,90

Cody clapped his hands together. “Now that’s job security. How many people around here know the truth?”

“Cody, stop talking. You have no idea what you’re saying right now.”

“Yes, I do,” he said. “Cole hired you. Then he wanted to fuck you. He’s a piece of shit like me. At least I just take pills and lay low. His addiction is different. It’s weak women like you. Except this time, he went too far. He blew his load in you and you got pregnant. Oh, this is perfect. Oh, this is a juicy story. It’s got to be worth a few bucks, right?”

“No,” I said. “Nobody is going to listen to you. Look at you.”

“Look at me?” Cody asked. “Look at you. Carrying some fucking baby you didn’t want. My brother’s baby. Are you kidding me? You think he’s going to be faithful to you? I wonder how many women he’s fucked since you got pregnant.”

“Fuck off,” I snapped. Cody had touched on a raw nerve. “You’re a junkie. And a loser. And nobody cares about you. Do you hear me, Cody? Nobody cares about you. You’re nothing but a burden to your brother. He’s worked his ass off to make a name for himself and all you do is bring him down. He only gives you money to keep you quiet. You’re a piece of dog shit on the bottom of someone’s shoe. You know nothing about Cole and me. What we really are. So you think you can come here and bully a pregnant woman for money? I’ll kick you so hard in the balls you’ll find pubic hair in your mouth for a month.”

Did that even make sense?

Who cares?

I already said it.

“Keep going, Maya,” Cody said. “I think I’m getting hard.”

“At least Cole was able to move on from what your father did,” I said, going for the lowest blow I could find. Cody’s face dropped. “Oh, what? You didn’t think I would know that? I know everything, Cody. You want to call here and be Dr. Assholelicker? Or Mr. Areolabiter? That’s all you’ve got. Cheap and stupid jokes that nobody laughs at. You’re afraid of heights? You should be afraid of being alone, because that’s all you are and all you’ll ever be.”

Cody reached into his pocket and took out two more pills.

He threw them into his mouth and chomped on them without drinking water.

“Then I guess I’ll say goodbye,” he said. “And go tell my story to everyone…”

Cody left the office and I hurried around my desk to get my phone.

I started to shake as I fumbled to text Cole.

I heard Cody’s voice booming through the office, announcing that my pregnancy was because of Cole.

I told myself to hold it together until Cole arrived.

But when I touched my stomach, I lost it.

How did my life become this messy?

Chapter Forty


Cody was here. It was bad. He knows everything. Need you!

I read the text message as I was a block from the office.

The car came to a stop in traffic and I jumped out to run the rest of the way to the office.

I called Cody’s cell, but he didn’t pick up.

I tried to text him while running and the message was a garbled mess of words and letters.

It was amazing how autocorrect could continually change fucking to ducking yet when I was in a real pinch here, it couldn’t figure out what I was trying to text Cody.

I ended up just calling him again.

Again, no answer.

This wasn’t a good thing.

Cody being alone in this city, pissed off, hurt, high, whatever…

“Fuck,” I growled under my breath.

I turned the corner and loosened my tie again and ripped it off over my head.

I tossed it into the air and picked up speed.

When I blasted through the front doors of the building, everyone inside looked at me.

At the elevator, I punched the button over and over.

I had no time to wait.

I ran to the back stairs and took those.

My legs allowed me to take them three at a time, my right hand grabbing the railing and pulling myself as I ran up the stairs.

When I made it to the office, I tore open the door and froze.

A handful of people stared at me.

They looked surprised. Shocked.

Their faces red.

Like they were embarrassed for me.

Which meant Cody had been here and was gone.

I didn’t give a shit what anyone thought.

I hurried through the office and went to find Maya.

My office was empty, so I went to hers.

I found her sitting on the floor, Copyright 2016 - 2024