How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,89

towel. I owe you an apology.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked.

“I made a comment about you from behind. I like the front too. I like the pregnant look. It works for me.”

I had flashbacks to that horrible date with the guy obsessed with my belly and breastmilk.

“Cody, please don’t…”

“What? Let’s role play it. You like my dirty names, right? How about I’m Dr. Labiadrip and you’re Miss Swollen. You’re visiting me because you have a need…”

“This isn’t funny at all,” I said. “Please don’t make me call Cole.”

“Running to the boss, huh?” Cody asked.

“He’s in a meeting right now and I really don’t want to bother him.”

“I don’t want him bothered either. I need him to keep working. Someone has to pay the bills, right?”

Cody laughed.

I curled my lip.

He reached into his pocket and took out two pills and tossed them into his mouth.

He swiped my bottle of water off my desk and washed the pills down.

“There,” he said. “That’ll take the tension out of the room.”

“Cody, why don’t you sit down,” I said. “Or even get on the floor and close your eyes.”

“Are you going to ride me?” he asked. “I can’t stop thinking about it, Maya. Oh, and that name too. Maya. How about you get on my-a cock-a?”

I cringed.

Cody laughed.

“I’m calling Cole,” I said.

Cody jumped at the desk and slammed his hands down. “No, you’re not. Want to know why I’m here?”

I stepped back. “Why?”

“Cole sent me. You’ve been stealing money.”


“He’s on to you. He knows what you’ve been doing.”

“I don’t believe you for a second.”

“Maya, be real with me here,” Cody said. “If Cole was going to track down someone who is fucking him over, he would call me. Why do you think I’m here? This deal he’s got going on… something is fishy about it. There’s money missing. You took it. I mean, you’re a secretary and you’re drinking a five-dollar bottle of water. And that coffee cup in your trashcan? That’s a six-dollar cup of coffee. And those clothes… don’t get me wrong, you know how to work the maternity look, but those clothes are really expensive brands. So just tell me… how much did you take? Where is the extra cash?”

I shook my head. “No, Cody. You’re wrong. I didn’t take anything. I don’t believe you. Cole doesn’t think I took anything either. You have no idea what you’re saying. You just want to know if there’s cash lingering around.”

“Let me check your bag then,” he said.

He opened his eyes big.

He was getting more messed up by the second.

“Get out of here,” I said. “Or I’ll call the police. I’ll tell them to check your pockets.”

Cody curled his lip and studied me.

He looked over his shoulder and then let out a laugh.

“Wait… I just figured it out…”

“What did you figure out?” I asked.

He pushed from my desk and pointed to my stomach. “You’re pregnant.”

“Wow. You just figured that out?”

“No, no, no,” Cody said. “Your tone. The way you’re defending him. You’re too casual around here. The clothes. The water. The coffee. I bet your bag is even one of those thousand-dollar bags too. Just hearing his name on your lips…”

“What are you getting at?” I asked.

Cody looked at me. “Who’s the father of your baby?”

“That’s none of your business,” I said.

“Yes, it is,” Cody said. “You don’t have any rings on your fingers, Maya. That means you aren’t married or engaged.”

“So what?”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Again, that’s none of your business,” I said.

I casually reached for my phone with my right hand.

But Cody was smarter than me. At least when it came to this shady stuff.

He grabbed my phone and swiped to unlock the screen.

“Let’s see something… ah…”

“You fucking asshole,” I yelled. “Put my fucking phone down now.”

Cody grinned and opened his hand.

My phone fell to the floor. “Happy?”

“Get the fuck out of here.”

“Make me,” he said. “I want the cash, or I tell the truth.”

“What cash?”

“My brother is worth millions,” Cody said. “Of course, he’s the successful one. That’s how it always was. But now I have the upper hand. I know there’s a box of cash somewhere around here.”

“There isn’t, Cody. You need help.”

Cody laughed. “You do, Maya. So does my brother. He really put the moves on his fucking secretary? Seriously? Does he not realize how dumb that is?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The baby… it’s Cole’s baby.”

“No, it’s not,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

“No, it’s not,” Cody mocked me. “Yes, it is. You fucked your boss and got pregnant.” Copyright 2016 - 2024