How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,24

his apartment so I could kick a woman out.

This was my life now… this was really happening…

“Car will be here in five,” Cole said. “I don’t care what you have to say or do.”


“Make a decision,” he said. “If you can’t, leave. I’ll find someone who can.”

“I’ll do it,” I said. “Fine. Whatever.”

“That’s the spirit,” Cole said. “If you don’t mind, I have a conference call to jump on.”

I walked to the door and Cole called my name again.

“I’m going to text you the receipt for my dry cleaning. Grab that on the way over. Thanks, Maya!”

He pressed a button on the phone to connect to his conference call.

What a dickhead.

I sat on the floor with my back against the couch.

The fireplace was empty.

The cabin was getting cold.

I had two blankets covering me and my fingers were moving fast on the keyboard.

Faster than I had ever typed in my entire life.

Each story of Cole just bled into another.

It was amazing to open the floodgates and just let go.

That day I went to his apartment with his dry cleaning…

I stopped typing and I scrolled up to find the rest of the story.

I picked up Cole’s dry cleaning, as requested. The guy who owned the place - Jimmy - had gotten to know me. At first, he called me Cole’s wife, which I let slide a few times. Then I snapped at him one day and told him I was Cole’s secretary and that I’d rather fall off a bridge than marry Cole.

Jimmy laughed.

He knew how Cole was.

I wasn’t the first secretary to pick up his dry cleaning.

So with the dry cleaning in hand, I went to Cole’s apartment.

When I got to his door, I stood there with his clothes and a key to the place.

I had no idea how to get a woman out of his place.

For all I knew, she could have been naked and sleeping in his bed.

This was his mess, not mine.

But he was paying me…

That’s when an idea hit me.

I stuck the key in the lock and grabbed two of his freshly dry-cleaned shirts.

I balled them up and stuck them under my shirt.

Yeah… this was my plan…

I opened the door and entered the apartment.

I made sure to slam the door as hard as I could.

“Cole?” a voice called out.

“Who’s here?” I yelled.

A second later, a woman appeared from the bedroom.

Wearing one of Cole’s button-down shirts.

It was unbuttoned.

Her boobs were hanging out of the shirt.

At least until she saw me.

She pulled the shirt tight and gasped. “Who the hell are you?”

I walked to the kitchen counter with the dry cleaning and threw it down.

I side stepped and put my hands to my big belly.

“I’m having Cole’s baby,” I said. “Who the fuck are you?”

The woman gasped and disappeared into the bedroom.

She emerged just seconds later with clothes, heels and a little, black leather bag. She trotted across the apartment, shocked.

“I had no idea,” she said. “He didn’t say anything. He didn’t… ohgod… what have I done…”

“Just get out of here,” I growled.

She looked at my stomach and shook her head.

I never saw someone leave so fast in my life.

When she was gone, I took the shirts out of my shirt and I smoothed them out on the counter with the rest of his dry cleaning.

Then I helped myself to a bottle of Cole’s super-fancy water.

That was just one of many stories.

They were funny. But they were sad.

Cole was such a dickhead.

A cockhead.

But this book idea was going to be…

“Whoa,” I whispered.

I smiled.

Cole was finally good for something other than getting on my nerves.

I finished another Cockhead Cole story and then tried to start a fire.

Hint - it didn’t work.

I stacked up pieces of wood and found a lighter.

I held the lighter to the wood and nothing happened.

Small pieces smoked for a few seconds and that was it.

I got pissed. I was shivering.

I wanted a fire in the fireplace so I could get warm and keep typing.

That went out the window when my phone dinged with a text message.

From Cole.

I’ll be there in twenty. Look beautiful.

“Shit!” I cried out.

I had lost track of time.

It was time for this stupid dinner with Mr. Pickle. I was supposed to be arm candy for Cole.

I shut my laptop and ran to the bedroom.

I packed my laptop away and set my sights on my suitcase.

As I dug through the clothes, I felt my heart racing faster by the second.

My plan had been to go through a few outfits to see what worked and Copyright 2016 - 2024