How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,23

else was in the cabin and I wasn’t allowed to be there.

Cole was right.

The second floor was just one big room.

I walked to the window of one of the dormers and looked outside.

It was nothing but trees, which was a duh moment. I was on the top of a mountain in a cabin. With Cole, even though Cole wasn’t there at that moment.

I reminded myself I was being paid. And I was allowed to write.

Which was what I should have been doing.

I walked down the stairs and to the bedroom.

My suitcase was still wide open.

Those clothes Cole packed were on the bed.

“Dickhead,” I said.

Or better yet… what Bev called him.

Cockhead Cole.

That wasn’t him trying to break the ice between us. In fact, he was the one who put the ice there to begin with. I had no intentions of having issues with my boss. I didn’t take the job to have things the way they were. Cole chose that. I chose to work there because I needed to work there.

I looked around the room and swallowed hard.

Slowly, I reached for the lacy top.

I picked it up by one of the narrow straps.

Look, I wasn’t a prude or anything. I had enjoyed myself many times in life. I owned a few pieces of lingerie. Nothing too wild or kinky. I even had a personal item in my nightstand drawer at home.

I just didn’t like or need to look a certain part.

I didn’t need to have my chest hanging out of my shirt. I didn’t like the way lacy stuff felt. Sometimes it was scratchy. And this top… it was totally see-through where my nipples would be. Obviously, it was designed that way. And, hey, that was fine by me. But to have my boss pack that for me?

My eyes looked to the thongs.

And the thongs?

Especially the one that was pieces of floss tied together.

I hated him.

I hated Cole so much.

I scooped up all the naughty clothing and threw it to the floor.

Then I kicked the clothes under the bed.

Enough thinking about Cole.

At least, in this capacity.

If I was going to think of Cole, I needed to do it in writing form.

So I could make enough money to quit and never see him again.

His fingertips were rough, but he moved them gently. He would never hurt her. She believed him. He had whispered it into her ear three times already.

His lips grazed the crook of her neck.

But she was more focused on his fingertips.

She swallowed hard and looked up to the very tops of the trees.

His hand explored.



“Go down to the ground floor and tell Lenny I said he’s a douchebag.”


“You heard me, Maya. Right now.”

“I thought you wanted coffee…”

“You brought me my coffee. Now I’m telling you to do something else. Go. Now.”


“Are you questioning me?”

I growled and shut my eyes.

I put my head back and took a deep breath.

I looked forward out the window in the dining room and sighed.

My original story was slowly becoming non-existent.

And it was a good story too.

About two people who would meet up each summer.

From the time they were fifteen until they were eighteen.

Each summer they would get closer. They would notice the changes in one another. Until that summer they were eighteen when… whoa.

But then they would go their separate ways for good.

It was heartache, love, passion…

And I was thinking about Cole.

So many things he said and did since I started working for him.

How many times did he make a mess on purpose for me to clean up? How many times did he tell me to do something, knowing it was the wrong thing, just so he could tell me it was wrong? How many times did I run stupid errands that had nothing to do with the job? Or…

“Maya, I have a special project for you.”


“Listen to me. In my apartment right now, there’s a woman.”


“Just listen to me. Normally, I’d have Cecily handle this. But she’s visiting her son upstate for the week. So I need you to step in.”

“And do what?”

“Get her out of there.”

“You’re kidding me, Cole.”

“Do I look like I’m kidding you?”


“Maya, this is your job. You’re my secretary. I’m the boss of this entire company. If I can’t do my job, we all lose our jobs. So, this is part of your job. If you can’t or won’t do this, I’ll call Lenny to come up and escort you out.”

Cole was serious.

He made a phone call to get a car for me.

Someone was going to drive me to Copyright 2016 - 2024