Hotter than Texas (Pecan Creek) - By Tina Leonard Page 0,62

the first time you sassed me.”

“I wanted to punch you in the nose.”

He laughed and kissed her forehead. “My advertising skills left something to be desired.”

“You rooked three unsuspecting women.”

“I know.” He kissed her lips, taking his time. “I’m offering you a chance for payback.”

“And that payback is sex?” He smelled awesome, like a hot, sexy man who’d been in a kitchen trying to please her. Or maybe please himself. With Jake, you never knew.

He pulled her tighter against him, kissing her slowly, thoroughly. “I’d do my damnedest to make you a happy woman the second time I sold you something.”

Sugar looked into Jake’s eyes. He was too hot, too sexy, almost taking her breath away. “I think your gravy’s burning.”

“Nice try. I turned it off.” He tugged her hips against him, kissing her as if he’d never tasted anything as good as her mouth. Sugar moaned and let Jake hike her up on his waist. “If I’m moving too fast, say so. I’ll back off and feed you the best shrimp and steak dinner you’ve ever had. Just good friends breaking bread together.”

Sugar gasped as Jake sank his teeth gently into her lower lip. Heat and warmth filled her, stealing her desire to tell him no about anything. “I’m not really that hungry.”

His smile turned dangerous. “I am.”

“I believe you’re hungry all the time. Probably any skirt brings on a case of the munchies for you.”

“Cynical.” He kissed down her neck and Sugar tightened up on him, wondering if she was doing the right thing, wondering if guilt was on the other side.

“We have a good thing going here,” Sugar said, and Jake said, “Sometimes. Sometimes not. You swing hot and cold, and I like that about you. Keeps me from being bored.” He carried her inside and set her on the counter, picked up one of the strawberries she’d brought, stroked it against her lips. “I always wanted to feed a woman strawberries in my kitchen.”

“You have a thing for Julia Child?”

“No.” He laughed and dropped the strawberry in his sangria. “I have a Sugar thing.” He kissed down her neck and reached over to stir the gravy. “Just so you know, since we’ve agreed to be up front with each other.”

Jake put the lids on the pots and pulled off his French-Kiss the Cook apron. She looked at him, wanting him in a way she hadn’t wanted a man before. “I just want to find out if you’re over-advertising again.”

He laughed. “Let’s find out.”

He shoved up her skirt and kissed the inside of her thighs. Sugar grabbed on to the counter when he said, “Nice bikini, dig the hearts,” deftly moving her panties aside.

Cold air hit her and then Jake’s tongue, still cool from the sangria, found her sweet spot, filling her so that she gripped the counter harder, gasping, “Oh, don’t stop.”

He tickled her with his tongue, then sucked lightly, and Sugar tried not to scream, tried not to worry about the open back door and the wide glass windows and the fact that his friends always seemed to appear at the wrong times and he had his tongue inside her in his kitchen where even Vivian might walk in. But then Jake pulled her hips up off the counter, his tongue moving skillfully inside her as he slipped two fingers inside her, and Sugar shrieked with an orgasm she thought could be heard at the Bait and Burgers.

Jake grinned as he looked at her. “Over-advertised?”

“God, no.” Sugar tried to catch her breath as she came back to earth. Jake fixed her panties and her skirt, putting her back on the counter like she was just another pan. “Excuse me?” Sugar said. “That was the sizzle. Where’s the steak?”

Jake laughed. “I never said I was going to sleep with you, Sugar Cassavechia.”

She wanted to slap the smirk off his face. He wanted it; he knew she wanted it desperately. “So that’s it? I’m the hors d’oeuvre?”

He kissed her. “Don’t be greedy.”

Sugar glared. “You just made me scream loud enough to drive owls from your backyard.”

“Oh, that?” He smiled, the devil himself. He drank more sangria and fished the strawberry from his drink. “I couldn’t bear to disappoint you, Sugar Cassavechia.”

“Well, I’m disappointed now,” Sugar said, “and it kind of sucks.”

He fed her the sangria-soaked strawberry, and she bit off half. He ate the other half. “Sweet, but not as sweet as you.”

“Look, Jake. I did battle with your mother today. I’ve put up with you making Copyright 2016 - 2024