Hotter than Texas (Pecan Creek) - By Tina Leonard Page 0,61

“I rue the day my son rented you our family home.”

Sugar turned to put some vegetables in a bag. “It’s a little late to rue, don’t you think? We’re here, we’re staying, you need to deal with it before you have a breakdown.”

After a moment of glaring at her, Vivian turned and went down the aisle.

Sugar felt bad as she watched the elderly lady walk away. She was pathetic, and lonely.

She had no right to dig in our lives. My family’s been through enough.

“That was entertaining,” a deep voice said, and Sugar turned to face Jake. “I like the part where you convinced her that we’re sleeping together.”

Sugar blushed. “I’m not going to apologize. You should have stopped her from snooping in our lives, Jake. I’m not going to let her ruin my family’s happiness.”

He looked down at her, big and broad-shouldered in the middle of the Pecan Creek Grocery. “Sugar, I had to be honest and tell you what she did. I don’t care what anybody says about you, or your family, or what’s back in Florida. I’m crazy about you.”

Sugar looked up at him. “You are?”

“Yeah. I am.” He smiled at her. “I’ve got an idea how to start to solve all this.”

“I’m listening,” Sugar said.

He kissed her on the lips. “Come over tonight. I’ll fix you dinner.”

She stared at him. Smiling, he chose a large, long cucumber from the bin and laid it in her cart.

Sugar blinked.

“I remember you like them with your vodka,” he said.

She looked at the cucumber, then Jake. “I’ve never been to your house.”

“I know.” He frenched her right there in the small-town grocery, practically lifting her off her feet in front of everyone. “Let’s change that tonight.”

“I’ll think about it,” Sugar said, knowing very well that once she went down that path, there would be no turning back.

Dear Journal,

Maggie remembered her recipes. Lucy seems happy.

Jake gave me produce.

Maybe things are looking up.

Off to Jake’s.


Chapter Fifteen

“I’m just telling you this up front because you were up front with me,” Sugar said when he opened the door at eight o’clock that night, “I have zero intention of letting you seduce me.”

“Good to know. Thanks for bringing the strawberries. Did you get them from Dodie?” He took the basket she’d brought with her, holding it out like a shield.

“Yes.” Sugar looked around the house as they walked through to the kitchen. “This looks like a typical bachelor pad.”

“It is,” Jake agreed. “It’s where I lure unsuspecting beautiful women so I can seduce them.”

Sugar got on a barstool and admired the red chef’s apron Jake put on. The black lettering was pure Jake. “French-Kiss the Cook? Isn’t that a bit needy?”

“Maybe,” Jake said, “sometimes needy is good. So are subliminal hints.”

“I don’t believe in subliminal. That’s a lot of psychobabble.”

“Maybe.” Jake stirred the gravy simmering lightly in a sauté pan. “I thought we’d forego the vodka tonight and have sangria. I made it myself.”

She got up and looked in the various copper pots he had on the stove. “I thought you’d just bring in some warmed-up Bait and Burger.”

He laughed. “I get that several days a week. Tonight the menu is a little more varied. Grilled shrimp and steak. Surf ’n’ turf, if you prefer.”

She looked at him. “You’re making a lot of effort.”

“Yeah. I’m trying to get in your pants.” He winked at her. “Just being up front.”

Sugar grabbed a green bean out of the pot. “Mm. Fresh.”

“That’s right. Grown in Mr. McGregor’s garden. Lassiter’s quite the gardener.”

“Really. What doesn’t he do?”

Jake smiled, and pulled her close to kiss her lips. “Not much. He’s a hero. War vet and everything. I hope he’s lucky enough to catch Maggie.”

She pulled away and looked at the glasses next to a carafe of sangria chilling on ice. “Maggie’s going to be a tough nut to crack. Shall I pour?”

“All you Cassavechia women are tough to crack. Please pour generously. It’s a warm night.”

She poured a liberal glass for each of them.

“To the only woman who ever told my mother she might get me pregnant,” Jake said, and Sugar shook her head.

“I’m not drinking to Vivian. I’ll drink to Pecan Creek.” She drank and he did too, and Sugar saw a flash of fire in Jake’s eyes that made her nervous. She walked out on his back patio to stare at the pool and catch her breath. Jake joined her and put his arms around her, and Sugar felt herself sliding toward surrender.

“Sugar,” he said, “I’ve wanted you since Copyright 2016 - 2024