Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,22

he waited for her answer to the question?

He was asking her to be his fake girlfriend, yet his mouth had gone dry. The whole situation had a surreally real feel to it.

“Sure. I’d be happy to. I owe you for tonight. And a Lannister always pays her debts.” For some reason she’d delivered that last sentence in a bad fake English accent. She watched as he frowned and then added, “Game of Thrones?”

He shook his head. “Sorry. Never saw it.”

Her eyes widened. “Well, you need to. I mean, unless you’d rather read the books, which I highly recommend, even if you watch the series. The author is only up to book seven and hasn’t finished the series yet. but you should still read them.”

“Okay. I’ll look into it,” he agreed even though he didn’t see any of that happening.

A seven book series with more to come? Yeah, no.

With his packed schedule of trainings and missions, he usually slept on transports and in his downtime while away since they often didn’t know when the opportunity to sleep would come again. And while he was home, well, his time was usually split between McP’s and working out to stay in shape for the next mission or training.

She seemed happy with his answer anyway and said, “Good. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

All that comment did was ramp up his guilt for the white lie.

He didn’t have too long to feel bad about it as she continued, “Thank you for the ride.”

“No problem. Thanks for coming to the bar with me.”

“You’re welcome.” She hesitated before finally

unbuckling her seatbelt and reaching for the doorhandle.

“Goodnight, Brian.”

“Goodnight, Alicia.”

Then, thankfully, she got out and slammed the door behind her and he could breathe again.

He waited for her to walk up the path, unlock her front door, give him a wave, and disappear into the house.

Only then, when he was sure she was safely inside, did he drive away. Just when he really, really wanted to stay.


Alicia arrived home to find she’d missed a call, a voicemail and two texts from her sister. And one more text from Shelly.

It was only then she realized she’d completely ignored her cell the whole time she’d been with Brian.

In fact, she’d never even taken it out of her bag. That might be a first for her.

There was no doubt in Alicia’s mind which of the two she was calling back. She unlocked the phone and swiped to dial Shelly.

Her friend answered on the second ring. “Hey. How did your sister’s party go?”

“It went well,” Alicia told her as she moved to the kitchen to grab some water to quench her thirst.

“Really?” Shelly sounded shocked.

“Really.” Alicia laughed.

“How? I mean I’m glad it was good since I felt so guilty I couldn’t be there to play defense when she threw some guy at you. But still, I’m having trouble imagining Jenny not taking this opportunity to set you up.”

“Oh, she tried. But I came prepared. I brought another anti-wingman with me.”


“Some sailor I met at McP’s.”

“What?” Shell screeched. “You met a sailor at McP’s and brought him to Jen’s and you didn’t tell me?”

“It’s not like that. We’re not really dating. Only fake dating.”

“Fake dating? Is this some new invention of yours to keep things casual?”

“No.” Although it was a good idea. She’d have to think more about that. “We’re literally pretending to date so his friends and my sister will stay out of our personal lives.”

“Hmm. I think I saw a movie like that.”

“Not a surprise.” Alicia had felt as if she’d been starring in a romantic comedy a few times tonight.

“So are you going to see him again?” Shelly asked.

“I didn’t see him in the first place, since it was all a sham.”

“But you could make it not a sham—”

“No.” She shut that idea down firmly.

Did she have to deal with Shelly’s prying tonight in addition to Jen’s?

“Okay, fine.” Shelly sighed. “So are you going to fake see him again?”

“Maybe. I might have to, to keep Jen believing the lie. And if he needs me for a fake date, I’ll go. I owe him.”

“Owing him sounds like it could be interesting.” Shelly still sounded too intrigued with Brian as a potential mate for her, which he was not. “Is he cute?”

“No,” she answered to squash any idea they’d end up together for real.

Besides, it wasn’t a lie. Brian was not cute. He was rugged. And rock solid. And tough with a glare that could—and had—men backing down rather than risk angering him.

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