Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,21

“Can you cash me out, please?”

“Sure thing.” Ray’s lips tipped up as he shot a quick glance at Alicia. No doubt the man figured he was in a hurry to leave so he could be alone with her.

How wrong he was.

He didn’t correct the assumption. The whole point was to make his teammates believe he was in a serious relationship so they’d stop teasing him about being a heartbreaker.

“Are we leaving?” Alicia asked, watching Ray return the card and Brian sign the slip.


“All right.” She tipped her head, so uncharacteristically complacent he figured she was too drunk for him to be with right now anyway.

If—when—they were together, he wanted her sober.

When would that be?

He’d have to lock her down for another fake date. He should show up with her in public a few more times to sell the whole relationship story.

And, of course, there was the fact he wanted to see her again. See her—and more.

Given the undeniable attraction sizzling between them, he wasn’t about to walk away before finishing their unfinished business together.

After adding a generous tip for Ray, he pushed the receipt and pen back across the bar and put away his card.

Turning to Alicia, he said, “You ready?”

“Ready.” She nodded hard—and nearly fell off the stool.

His reflexes kicked in. He reached out before she took a header, catching her as she tipped over.

“You all right?” he asked.

She raised her gold-flecked brown eyes to him. “Fine. Thanks. Just clumsy.”

Three beers worth of clumsy, on top of the one she’d had at her sister’s party.

Yup. The plan to drive her home and then drive away as fast as he could had been a good call on his part.

Having sex with a drunk woman on Valentine’s Day was a recipe for disaster. No doubt about it.

But next time he saw her? Next time, when she was sober, and it was no longer this damn hearts-and-flowers holiday, would be a completely different story.

He got her seated in the Jeep, and buckled in safely, and headed for her place.

She was even more chatty—and bossy—drunk than she’d been sober. She told him not only every turn to take to get back to her place, she also kindly brought to his attention every time there was a change in the speed limit. And when they were approaching a stop light, or stop sign. She even pointed out when they approached a cross walk.

He felt like he was learning to drive again with his mom in the passenger seat directing his every move. But unlike back then—when he was annoyed with his mother—now he found Alicia’s narration of the trip amusing.

Yeah, it might get old fast on a long drive, or in the long term, but for this short trip it was pretty funny.

He found himself wondering if she was like this in bed—bossy, directorial, boisterous.

Sadly, he wasn’t destined to find out tonight.

For once, he was going to be smart about things. It sucked, but it would be better for everyone.

Besides, if he didn’t sleep with her now, it would be safe to see her again.

“That’s it right up there,” she announced unnecessarily.

“Yes. Thank you. I see it.” His lips twitched again as he put on the blinker and navigated into her driveway.

He didn’t cut the engine. He had no intention of walking her to the door. Not the gentlemanly thing to do, perhaps, but better in the long run. It would be too hard to not go inside if he did.

The way her blouse was gaping just enough to draw his gaze, he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle much more temptation. If she invited him inside, gave him that siren’s glance with those heavily-lidded eyes of hers, he’d be in that house so fast . . .

Nope. Smarter to stay right where he was, literally strapped inside the Jeep. Protected from her lure, like Odysseus from the sirens.

Safely in his vehicle, in park with the engine idling, Brian took his foot off the brake and twisted in his seat to face Alicia.

“I had a good time . . . for a fake date,” he added.

She smiled. “I had a good time too. For a fake date.”

“So I was thinking if you ever needed me to stand in as your fake boyfriend again, I’d be happy to do it—if my schedule allows, of course.”

“Of course.” She nodded.

“And, if I needed you to stand in for me as my fake girlfriend—just to convince the guys—would you be willing?” Why was his heart speeding as Copyright 2016 - 2024