Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,64

onto a mulched path that led into the woods. Waving her hands with animation as they walked, she talked about the end of the school year coming. “We’re having a Field Day and Party in two weeks. The kids wanted to know if you’d be able to come. I think they’d love to run races with you.”

“Sounds good.” His answer tripped lightly off his tongue, and it struck him that he meant what he said. It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of spending time with a bunch of ten-year-olds would have held no appeal, hating that the reason he’d have time to do it was because he was out of the Army. But with a new job and Gramps and Lucy in his life, he found new things to be excited about. And he spent less and less time thinking about his vision.

They made their way over three acres, and just as he wondered how far back her property went, they came upon a wide expanse of water with a canoe tied to a tiny wooden dock.

Lucy whirled around and swung his arm with their connected hands. “See! My property backs to this tributary that leads to a bay that leads to the ocean!”

“Seriously?” He stared in surprise, then laughed as she continued to talk while giving a little hop.

“And this is my canoe! My brother bought it for us to use, and we’re taking it out today. That’s my surprise!”

Her eyes lit as she smiled up at him, sparkling as much as the sunlight on the water. With fingers linked, he pulled her closer and dipped to take her lips. Pulling back regretfully, he mumbled, “Best surprise, babe.”

The dock was sturdy, and he stepped into the canoe, lifting his hand to assist Lucy as she climbed in after him. Settled on either end, she placed her bag onto the floor, and they dipped their paddles into the water, gliding out over the surface.

It had been a while since he’d been on the water, and for a few seconds, he closed his eyes as he lifted his chin, allowing the sunlight to warm him deep inside. Hearing a splash, he opened his eyes to see Lucy looking to the side.

“There’s fish jumping,” she said, her voice now soft. “My dad said this summer would be a good time to go fishing. I haven’t done that in a long time.”

The last time he’d fished had been on a mission in South America and his team fished to eat, but he kept that tidbit to himself. Although, it didn’t pass his notice that he could think about his team without the sharp ache inside his chest.

“Do you miss it?”

He jerked his head around to see her staring at him, her head cocked to the side. “Miss what?”

“The Special Forces? Your team? The missions?”

Surprised, he dropped his chin. Shouldn’t be surprised… not with Lucy. Her perception was one of the things that drew him to her. Sighing, he lifted his head and smiled. “Yes and no. Yes, I’ll always think fondly of those guys that were my brothers. And I want to keep up with them, something I haven’t been good at doing since I got out. But I have a life now that’s outside the service. And even though it’s taken a while to get used to, I’m a hell of a lot luckier than so many others.”

“I think the fact that you can now realize how lucky you are says a great deal about you.”

Nodding slowly as his paddle dipped into the water, propelling them forward, he agreed. “I wasn’t sure about coming home. I wasn’t sure about my place here with Gramps. I didn’t have a job. I didn’t have friends. But now, Gramps and I might get in each other’s way a little bit, but I think we’re both glad I’m here. I can’t believe I’ve got a job that suits me so well. And I never thought about having someone like you in my life.”

The canoe rocked as she jerked her paddle upward and plopped it into the bottom near her seat. Without giving him a warning, she crawled forward over the seats, getting closer, a gleam in her eye.

He grinned widely as she crawled in between his legs, placing her hands on his thighs. “What have you got on your mind, babe?”

“While the scenery around us is gorgeous, what’s filling my eyes is sitting right in front of me. Although no one else is around,

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