Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,63

up on my computer to show me how to do it. Some are better than others, so I look for the ones for beginners.”

Gramps’ fork had halted on its way to his mouth, his bushy eyebrows raised. “Hmph. In my day, we learned by what our dads or granddads taught us.”

“I’m sure my dad would show me, but then he has a penchant for taking over. But on my own, I’ve done a lot, including replacing some boards in the porch, which I now know from John that I needed to have used screws instead of nails, so I’ll do those over.”

“Seems to me if John thinks there’s a better way to do something, he should offer to do it himself.”

She blinked in surprise, ready to defend John, but he burst out laughing next to her. “Gramps, I planned on helping her out but needed to have a chance to offer in a way that didn’t make it seem like I was taking over. Lucy is determined to take care of her house herself. You’ve jumped the gun on me.”

She smiled at John as his arm around her shoulder pulled her closer. “You don’t have to offer to help—”

“Honey, I was going to but knew I needed to find a way to do it so you’d accept my help.”

Biting her lip, she crinkled her nose. “I promise I won’t get prickly. At least working with you will be fun. When my brother helps, he gets annoying. I always have to remind him that it’s my house!”

Gramps cackled as he sat back in his seat. “I like you, Lucy. You’ve got spunk. And anytime you get bored at your house, you come on over here and can tell John what to do with this old heap.”

Turning her smile toward him, she nodded her agreement. “Thank you, Gramps. I might just do that!”


John took off his ball cap and wiped his brow. It was now the next Saturday, and while the day was not hot, the sun beamed down in a blue, cloudless sky. He’d knelt over Lucy’s front porch, showing her how to use the cordless drill to screw in the wood screws to hold her porch boards more securely. When he’d come over that morning, he’d planned on doing it himself but soon learned that just like with her dad, while Lucy accepted his assistance, she wanted to learn.

“I’m always telling my students that we’re never too old to learn new things. If I let you take over a house project, I know it would get done quicker, but I won’t have learned anything.”

It was hard to argue with her logic although it went against his nature to not want to jump in and do everything for her. But then, soon, with their conversation flowing and lighthearted banter, not to mention stolen kisses, he discovered that working on a project together had its advantages.

Dressed in her coveralls again, he now knew what her body looked like underneath and it was hard not to get hard just thinking of peeling them off. Dragging his focus off his dick and back to her, he caught her glancing up at the security camera in the corner of the porch that he, Bray, and Tate had installed a few days earlier.

She sucked in her lips before turning to him. “I haven’t thought much about the security but it’s a little weird knowing someone can see us.”

“It’s not monitored twenty-four-seven, but it gives us information in case someone does come snooping around.”

Just like he’d discovered about most things with Lucy, she was easygoing and simply shrugged as she went back to her task. When the last screw was in place, they walked together over the porch, and he laughed as she squealed in delight at the secure boards with no nails left to trip on.

“Okay, babe, what’s next?”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and beamed up at him. “We’re going to have lunch first. Then we’ll take a hike in the woods on my property, and I can show you my surprise.”

It didn’t take long for them to finish their sandwiches and chips, and he watched in curiosity as she grabbed a small tote, filling it with sunscreen, bug spray, and water bottles.

“How long are we going to be gone? That makes it look like we’ll be hiking for miles.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “It’s not that big, but this will be part of my surprise.”

Soon, she led him out the back door and

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