Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,59

Lucy this morning?”

Chuckling, Mace dropped his chin and stared at his boots for a moment before swinging his gaze back to John. “So far, every one of the keepers who’s married or engaged has met their significant other on a mission. It’s become evident to all of us that it takes a very special kind of person to be able to handle being with a Keeper. From everything you’ve said, Lucy fits that description.”

He'd never met the other women, but if they were as brave and special as Lucy, he had no doubt that she’d fit in.

Mace stepped back from the rail and turned toward him. “Remember, John, you’re now a Keeper. You’re not defined by the injury that caused you to leave the Army. You’re defined by what’s inside of you.”

Sucking in a deep breath of clean, ocean air, John nodded. “Thank you for the opportunity, Mace. I won’t let you down.”

Clapping him on the shoulder, Mace grinned. “I know you won’t. If I thought for one second you would, you wouldn’t be standing here with me now.”


“Hey, Paula. I’m glad you got home okay.” Lucy made sure her smile was bright, and her voice gave no evidence of ire. John was at LSI for his first day, but the day before they’d talked about how she should play her interaction when she saw Paula at school. John had advised her that until he had a chance to talk to the others, it would be best to not let Paula know that she’d seen anything untoward. She’d taken a drama class in high school and figured it was time to put some of those acting skills to work.

Paula’s nerves were written in her expression and her lips trembled slightly as she smiled, her eyes darting to the side before moving back to Lucy’s.

Before giving Paula a chance to say anything, Lucy continued. “I hope you got my text. It was nice of you to offer me the hotel room but I really just wanted to get home. I promised my parents that I’d be at their place yesterday and didn’t want to disappoint them.”

“Oh… uh… yeah. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have changed plans on you.” Paula’s lips attempted to curve upward but her smile was forced. “So, you got a ride?”

“Yes, I called a friend who came to get me.”

“Wow, that was a long way for someone to come,” Paula muttered, her fingers fiddling with the strap of her school bag.

No shit… “Oh, they didn’t mind. I hung around the festival some more, ate a ton of food that probably all ended up on my hips,” she said with a laugh and a toss of her hand. “I bought a few things at the vendors, and by the time the bands were over, my friend was there. We had a good time talking on the way home, and then I was able to be with my parents yesterday.”

“Good, good.” Paula’s voice was stronger, her smile a little wider.

“So, did you and Griz have a good time? I figured when you got my message and knew I wasn’t using the room you might have gone back there.”

“Yeah, it was great. Um… I drank too much, of course. That’s why I need to apologize to you. I feel like I was such a bitch and didn’t mean to be. But… yeah, we went to the hotel. I let them know that you weren’t going to be there, so we figured we might as well use the room.”

Lucy watched as Paula continued to force a smile, unable to keep the slight tremor from her lips. The bell rang, and Lucy grabbed her items from the teacher's workroom. “My class is heading to physical education with Mrs. Farthingale, but I’ve got to head back to my room to finish some plans. I’ll talk to you later.”

Paula nodded, her head moving in jerks. Lucy turned and left the room, her anger ratcheting up with each step. While her friendship with Paula was only a couple of years old, she’d thought she knew her. Paula tended to drink more than Lucy, who never liked to lose control. Paula also had no problem with one-night stands, while Lucy, who had no problem with her sexuality, preferred sleeping with someone that she’d gotten to know. But she’d never known Paula to take drugs, have anything to do with drugs, be around drugs, and certainly not be around someone who was known to sell drugs.

Sure, Paula sometimes likes

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