Home to Stay (The Long Road Home #2) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,58

his radar. He went back over everything that Lucy had told him, now more than ever pleased with her level of detail, something the others mentioned as well.

“Chances are Griz has no reason to give Lucy a second thought, but I want to have security on her place anyway.”

“She’ll have no problem with that,” John said. “While she kept a cool head, the bikers scared her, especially Griz.”

Bray looked over from his side of the table. “What about her friend? Paula?”

“Hardly a friend anymore, I think. Lucy won’t be taking any more trips or spending time with her, but they do work in the same building. It’s going to be impossible for her to not have some dealings with Paula.”

The others around the table nodded, but it was clear from their tight jaws and lips pressed together that they would prefer Lucy never have to be around Paula at all.

“Let’s put Paula’s place in our sights also,” suggested Drew. “We know Griz has been in this area. If he met with her in Canada, then it’s not too far-fetched to think that he won’t continue to have contact with her.”

Mace nodded, rubbing his chin. John hesitated, not knowing his place amongst them, something Mace picked up on almost immediately.

“John, if you’ve got something to say, say it. You’re one of us now. We throw out ideas, bounce things off each other. There’s no hierarchy here.”

“Other than everyone is subservient to me and Sylvie,” Babs shouted out from her desk, drawing laughter from everyone, the loudest coming from her husband, Drew.

John grinned, then sobered as he looked at the others. “I just can’t figure Paula out. Nothing seemed to fit with her. A teacher. A friend to Lucy, although I’m not sure how close they are. I haven’t had the resources to check her or her background out, but Lucy is a well-grounded, smart person and says she’s never had red flags about Paula’s behavior other than being a flirt and has no fear. On top of that, she hardly seems like the type of person Griz would hang around. It just doesn’t add up.”

Mace looked over at Josh. “Do a background workup on Paula. Finances, history, family. Let’s find out what’s going on.” Turning to Clay, he said, “You and Levi get in contact with the FBI and our liaison with the Drug Task Force. Let them know what we have and what we’re looking at.”

As orders were being given, John’s mind was spinning. A new job, one where he started out respected and on par with the others. A chance to take his sixteen years in the Army, most of those as Special Forces, and use the talents and skills he’d learned. And Lucy… Not only was she now planted fully in his life but the Keepers were working to ensure her safety.

The next hours were spent shadowing several of the Keepers as they worked at their individual stations and spending time researching what he could learn about the Minotaurs. The more he learned, the more he breathed a sigh of relief that Lucy had been able to escape their notice.

Lunch was often on their own, but today they all moved upstairs to the large dining room where Marge had fixed a huge sandwich buffet for them.

During the afternoon, he learned about the security cameras they would put in place around Lucy’s house.

By the end of the day, Mace kept his promise and the two of them climbed the circular stairs to the top of the lighthouse. John grinned as they made their way past the lamps and looked out over the sparkling water and crashing waves. He was hard-pressed to think of a more impressive sight.

“I bring everyone up here when they are taken on as a Keeper,” Mace said, the two men standing at the rail side by side. “It’s a perfect opportunity to remind them what we’re doing. The old lighthouses were maintained by ordinary men and women who were heroes as they went about their business keeping the ships and sailors safe. That’s what we do. We won’t get the glory. Our cases solved will be claimed by other law enforcement or not claimed at all. But we work every day knowing that our jobs keep others safe.”

“I understand.” The view in front of him was breathtaking and John thought how much he’d like to bring Lucy to the top of the lighthouse. Turning to Mace, he asked, “What did Babs mean when she mentioned

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