The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,89

carpet’s been lifted.

I. Checked. Everything.

And nothing.

My house has never been so clean, but there was no satisfaction in any of it. I combed every inch of my little two-bedroom house and there was no box. I even scrubbed the rickety porch clean and checked each plank to see if any were loose. I didn’t have a garage to worry about, but I went so far as to study my driveway to see if any of the concrete looked fresh. I didn’t have a back porch, but there were a couple of steps that led to the backyard, and I even checked those.

In short, I had spent all day losing my goddamn mind.

I had no idea what was in that box, but it couldn’t be good. Gary and Merrick didn’t look like the kind of men who fucked around, no matter how polite their threats. I needed to find that box and I could only think of one other thing that might help me.

It took me an hour of sitting on the couch, trying to find any other way, before I picked up my phone and dialed Frankie’s number. Even though I didn’t know the details, I knew Phoenix had killed Randy. I knew Phoenix was privy to those final hours of Randy’s life. My only hope was that Randy confessed something or let something slip while he was being…detained.

Frankie didn’t answer, so I dialed again.

And again.

The fourth time, someone answered, but it wasn’t Frankie. “Robbie?” Phoenix’s voice came through the line.


“Frankie’s in the shower,” he explained. “I normally wouldn’t answer her phone, but…I thought it might be an emergency with how you were calling back-to-back.”

“Uhm, actually, I was hoping to talk with you,” I told him. “Is that okay?”

It was amazing how you could sense someone’s energy over the phone. Phoenix Fiore went from being Frankie’s concerned husband to The Holy Ghost with just that one question. “How may I help you?”

“Well…I…” How in the hell did you ask a killer if he got any goods on one of his victims?

Jesus Christ.

“Well, I’m looking for a box,” I started out. “I…an heirloom, of sorts.”

“A box,” he repeated.

“It’s a…special box,” I stammered like an idiot. “With the…heir moving on, the grandparents would like it back.” I face palmed myself over how stupid I sounded.

“I see,” he said easily.

“I was just wondering if…it was mentioned where the box was when…you were, uh…entertaining at your party…that…uh, night.”

Phoenix was quiet for so long, I thought we might have disconnected. But then he said, “There weren’t any discussion about heirlooms, I’m afraid.”

My heart dropped to my knees.

He was my only hope.

“O…okay,” I choked out. “I…”

“However,” he continued, “I wasn’t the only one engaged in polite conversation that evening. Perhaps heirlooms came up in other conversations.”

I closed my eyes. Phoenix was telling me that Luca and Ciro had a part in Randy’s torturing and impeding death. It had been a group effort, and that made sense. Frankie was special to all of them. It stands to reason that they’d all want their revenge.

“I see,” I muttered, feeling frustrated.

“Would you like me to ask-”

“No!” I blurted out. I was already feeling wretched by involving Frankie’s husband in my mess by questioning him, I wasn’t going to drag her entire family down. Besides, this was my problem. My penance for dating a dirtbag. “I…that’s unnecessary,” I insisted. “Just…you know, forget it. I was just curious.” God, how did my life come to this? “I can…find it on my own.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” he asked, and I was touched by how he didn’t just rush off the phone with me. He knew how much I meant to Frankie, so he was being kind as a result.

“I appreciate…the concern, but it’ll be fine,” I lied. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to…cause any…no one likes an unwanted guest,” I finished lamely.


“Just…uh, tell Frankie I’ll call her tomorrow, okay?”

“Robbie, she’s going to see your three missed calls,” he pointed out. “She’s also going to see that the fourth one was answered, and a conversation ensued.”

If we were anywhere near Christmas or Frankie’s birthday, I’d beg Phoenix to lie to her, but we weren’t. Also, I knew he wouldn’t. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Phoenix Fiore, it’s that he was completely and irrevocably in love with his wife. He wouldn’t insult her by lying to her.

“Well, can you just reassure her that I have it taken care of?” I tried.

His voice was soft and carried a touch of sympathy Copyright 2016 - 2024