The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,88

to me and, here, Robbie Regal hauled off and slapped me.


Luca smirked, and I could tell he wanted to praise the girl himself but refrained. He knew I was on edge. “I’m more interested in the fact that she took your abuse until you went after Francesca,” he replied. “Phoenix and I have witnessed your sibling rivalry for years, but she never has. Robbie thought you were attacking Francesca, and that is what finally caused her to get out of her seat.” Luca cocked his head. “You don’t find that interesting?”

It was confession time.

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath as I chose the ice pick with the razor teeth at the end. Looking back at Luca, I went into confession mode. “I saw her again that night.”

His brows shot up. “Where?” I told him about our encounter as I removed Curtis’ left eyeball. The gag was getting soaked with blood, tears, snot, and saliva, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he suffocated on it. But Luca and I were talking, if I removed it now, his screams of pain would just-

“Oh, hey, hand me the pliers and scalpel, will you?”

“Cutting out his tongue?” Luca asked as he gathered up the two items.

“Yeah. If not, he’s going to suffocate on the gag and I’m not done,” I explained. “However, I don’t feel like listening to his screams. We’re in the middle of a conversation here.”

I exchanged the ice pick for the pliers and scalpel and removed the gag as Luca went to work on cleaning and disinfecting the items I’ve used so far. “So, you like her,” he surmised after my confession.

“I wouldn’t say that,” I denied. “I’m not sure yet what I think about her.”

“But you want to fuck her,” he insisted.

“Hell, yeah, I want to fuck her,” I admitted. “Have you seen that fucking body?” I heard Luca chuckle as the scalpel sliced through the meat of Curtis’ tongue. This was turning out to be bloodier than I intended, and I blamed Luca’s visit. He was distracting me.

“Roberta Regal is very lovely,” he agreed, and I swear the man had ice in his veins. Frankie was the only one capable of extracting emotions from the psychopath.

I snorted and got back to work on Curtis. “Hand me the blow torch, please,” I asked dryly. We exchanged items again and I lit the torch and started at the nubs of his already severed fingers. “You’re taking all the fun out of this, Luca,” I accused. “I was having a perfectly satisfying time before you showed up talking about a woman I want to strangle to death.”

“And sleep with,” he added. “Let’s not forget that important factor in all this.”

I grunted.

The asshole.

“Does it even matter?” I asked as Curtis’ flesh started peeling back. “She lives in Cedar Creek, and I don’t chase pussy.”

“She’s going to be in Francesca’s life, Ciro,” Luca replied. “Francesca is not giving her up.”

“And with Frankie starting school and working with Phoenix, their friendship is going to be reduced to phone calls when they find the time,” I pointed out. “Robbie will be out-of-sight-out-of-mind really soon.”

Luca let out a sigh that indicated he wasn’t buying what I was selling. But then Luca had an uncomplicated life when it came to women. He fucked Beverly when he had the need, and that was that. He’s never come across a woman who invoked anything other than basic appreciation from him. Apart from Frankie, of course.

Lucky bastard.

“Look, I’m done talking about Robbie,” I told him. “I’m working and my boss doesn’t approve of slacking on the job.” Then Luca did something he rarely did.

He laughed.

“You’re a world-class asshole, Mancini,” he chuckled.

Didn’t I know it.

Chapter 10



Nerves had prevented me from doing anything last night when I got home. And they prevented me from getting any sleep as well. I stayed up trying to remember if I ever saw Randy with a box until my eyes shut on their own accord. And now it was Sunday evening and I had nothing.

My house was small in comparison to most two-bedroom homes, so there weren’t many places to look, but I’d done what I said I would. I cleaned my house from top to bottom. I pulled everything from the closets and drawers. I had even gotten on my knees and handled every tile piece in the bathroom and kitchen to see if any of them were loose. I also examined the carpet edges to see if it looked like the Copyright 2016 - 2024