The Holy Trinity Series - M.E. Clayton Page 0,179

of this city in the palm of your hands, Remy. You are the keeper of all my power and all my sanity. Guard it wisely, Remy.”


His hand slid up and his hold in my hair was painfully vicious. “I love you, Remy,” he said again. “I fucking love you.”

I couldn’t speak.

I couldn’t return the words.

I couldn’t do anything but stand there and let the importance of what he was telling me permeate every cell in my body.

Luca Benetti was in love with me and there was no woman on the face of the planet that was strong enough to shoulder the enormity of that burden, me included.

Oblivious to the heart attack I was about to have, Luca pulled me onto the bed and laid me out, spreading my legs for him to do whatever he wished. I laid there with my eyes closed, my mind scrambling to make sense of the avalanche of emotions my body didn’t know how to handle, as Luca grabbed the back of my thighs and dragged his tongue over my wet, desperate flesh. My hands slid into his soft, black hair and I held on as he ate me out using his tongue, lips, and fingers. When his tongue dipped lower and circled my ass, I knew there was no way I’d find this euphoria with any other man. Luca was doing the forbidden in another example of his ownership of me and my body.

He was proving his command of my body and, just like that first night, I knew Luca would and could use sex to control me and steer me in the direction he needed me to go.

The pressure started building and I didn’t want to deny the truth any longer.

I wasn’t going anywhere, and we both knew it.

Not because he was Luca Benetti. Not because he threatened my parents. Not because he threatened me. Or threatened to burn Morgan City to the ground.

I wasn’t going anywhere because I was in love with him, too.


He pulled away and when I opened my eyes to see why, Luca reached for me and rolled us over until I was straddling his cock. He grabbed my face and pulled me down until we were nose-to-nose. “Ride my cock, baby,” he said, his voice a command. “Take my cock deep and show me how you own me.”

My entire body trembled, and I knew there was no going back.

But, then, I didn’t want to any longer.

I took Luca’s hard, hot steel and lowered myself over it until I was full of his heat. I stared down at him as my body moved of its own accord in a dance as old as time, and his hands gripped my hips painfully as he met me thrust for thrust.

We were frantic and urgent, but when I tried to sit up, Luca wouldn’t let me. He held my body close to his and his eyes stayed on mine the entire time until I couldn’t take it anymore and I threw my head back in screaming ecstasy. Luca grunted his release beneath me, and I collapsed against his chest when my body finally stopped trembling.

And mingled in with our harsh breaths, I was finally able to speak. “I love you, too.”

Luca’s arms wrapped around me like steel bands as he whispered, “Thank you, God.”

Chapter 21


Remy had nightmares all night long, and it wasn’t until around four this morning that I finally forced her to take a sedative to get some uninterrupted sleep. It was past ten in the morning, and she was still asleep, but if she needed to sleep the entire day away then I’d let her. My only saving grace was that I knew today was a holiday and all government business were closed along with banks and schools.

I knew at some point we were going to have to come to a compromise about her job, and I was hoping that, after last night, she was more willing to listen. I was hoping that she’d realize that every decision I made really was about her safety and not about trying to control her.

And if I was being completely honest, last night was more than just about showing her the dangers of the world she was now a part of. Taking her to the funhouse served two purposes. The first having a firsthand knowledge of what could happen to her in our world if she weren’t careful. My second reason for taking her there is I didn’t want her to be Copyright 2016 - 2024